On Mon, 29 Jun 2020, zdo...@redhat.com wrote:

currently, there is a proposal for Fedora change to make 'nano' the
default editor in Fedora by setting 'EDITOR' environment variable to 'nano',

There have been worse ideas...  For example:

So I would like to ask - is there such help bar in Vim, which can be enabled
via a command in vimrc, so it would be opened every time as it is in 'nano'?

No. Stop. Piling this nonsense into the system vimrc -- which shouldn't exist in the first place, and absolutely should not be an amalgamation of the packagers' personal favorite vimrc bits -- is incredibly hostile to everyone who actually uses Vim.

On that note: why does Vim still support a system vimrc at all? Fedora is far from the only distribution shipping dumb defaults and causing users pain via this anachronism. defaults.vim almost solved the problem, then doubled down on making it worse. Explicitly loading a user vimrc with -u is the only way to solve it at present, and doing that correctly in all cases is a decidedly nontrivial exercise...


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