* Elimar Riesebieter <riese...@lxtec.de> [2020-07-15 08:52 +0200]:

> Hi all,
> tried to build 8.2.1216 on amd64 within a tmux session using shadow
> dirs and got:
> >From test_terminal3.vim:
>         Found errors in Test_terminal_getwinpos():
>         Run 1:
>         function 
> RunTheTest[39]..Test_terminal_getwinpos[16]..WaitForAssert[2]..<SNR>7_WaitForCommon[11]..<lambda>58
>  line 1: Pattern '\\[\\d\\+, \\d\\+\\]' does not match '[-1, -1]\[  occurs 34 
> times]0,0-1         All'
>         function RunTheTest[39]..Test_terminal_getwinpos line 32: Expected 
> range 1 - 1142, but got 0
>         function RunTheTest[39]..Test_terminal_getwinpos line 33: Expected 
> range 1 - 419, but got 0

As of 8.2.1287 for some not comprehensible reasons the tests are
running fine now.

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