Patch 8.2.1798
Problem:    Vim9: trinary operator condition is too permissive.
Solution:   Use tv_get_bool_chk().
Files:      runtime/doc/vim9.txt, src/eval.c, src/vim9compile.c,
            src/vim9execute.c, src/testdir/vim9.vim,
            src/testdir/test_expr.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim,
            src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim, src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.1797/runtime/doc/vim9.txt        2020-10-03 22:51:42.890813408 
--- runtime/doc/vim9.txt        2020-10-04 15:21:54.182614262 +0200
*** 164,178 ****
  When using `:function` or `:def` to specify a nested function inside a `:def`
  function, this nested function is local to the code block it is defined in.
! In a `:def` function IT is not possible to define a script-local function.  it
  is possible to define a global function by using the "g:" prefix.
  When referring to a function and no "s:" or "g:" prefix is used, Vim will
! prefer using a local function (in the function scope, script scope or
! imported) before looking for a global function.  However, it is recommended to
! always use "g:" to refer to a local function for clarity.  In all cases the
! function must be defined before used.  That is when it is first called or when
! `:defcompile` causes the call to be compiled.
  The result is that functions and variables without a namespace can usually be
  found in the script, either defined there or imported.  Global functions and
--- 164,183 ----
  When using `:function` or `:def` to specify a nested function inside a `:def`
  function, this nested function is local to the code block it is defined in.
! In a `:def` function it is not possible to define a script-local function.  it
  is possible to define a global function by using the "g:" prefix.
  When referring to a function and no "s:" or "g:" prefix is used, Vim will
! search for the function:
! - in the function scope
! - in the script scope, possibly imported
! - in the list of global functions
! However, it is recommended to always use "g:" to refer to a global function
! for clarity.
! In all cases the function must be defined before used.  That is when it is
! called, when `:defcompile` causes the it to be compiled, or when code that
! calls it is being compiled (to figure out the return type).
  The result is that functions and variables without a namespace can usually be
  found in the script, either defined there or imported.  Global functions and
*** 467,477 ****
  Conditions and expressions ~
! Conditions and expressions are mostly working like they do in JavaScript.  A
! difference is made where JavaScript does not work like most people expect.
! Specifically, an empty list is falsy.
!       type            TRUE when ~
        bool            v:true or 1
        number          non-zero
        float           non-zero
--- 472,492 ----
  Conditions and expressions ~
! Conditions and expressions are mostly working like they do in other languages.
! Some values are different from legacy Vim script:
!       value           legacy Vim script       Vim9 script ~
!       0               falsy                   falsy
!       1               truthy                  truthy
!       99              truthy                  Error!
!       "0"             falsy                   Error!
!       "99"            truthy                  Error!
!       "text"          falsy                   Error!
! For the "??" operator and when using "!" then there is no error, every value
! is either falsy or truthy.  This is mostly like JavaScript, except that an
! empty list and dict is falsy:
!       type            truthy when ~
        bool            v:true or 1
        number          non-zero
        float           non-zero
*** 498,510 ****
        [] || 99     Error!
  When using "!" for inverting, there is no error for using any type and the
! result is a boolean: >
        !'yes'                  == false
!       var myList = [1, 2, 3]
!       !!myList                == true
  When using "`.."` for string concatenation arguments of simple types are
! always converted to string. >
        'hello ' .. 123  == 'hello 123'
        'hello ' .. v:true  == 'hello v:true'
--- 513,525 ----
        [] || 99     Error!
  When using "!" for inverting, there is no error for using any type and the
! result is a boolean.  "!!" can be used to turn any value into boolean: >
        !'yes'                  == false
!       !![]                    == false
!       !![1, 2, 3]             == true
  When using "`.."` for string concatenation arguments of simple types are
! always converted to string: >
        'hello ' .. 123  == 'hello 123'
        'hello ' .. v:true  == 'hello v:true'
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/eval.c  2020-10-03 22:51:42.890813408 +0200
--- src/eval.c  2020-10-04 15:32:53.648263271 +0200
*** 191,197 ****
        if (!skip)
            if (in_vim9script())
!               retval = tv2bool(&tv);
                retval = (tv_get_number_chk(&tv, error) != 0);
--- 191,197 ----
        if (!skip)
            if (in_vim9script())
!               retval = tv_get_bool_chk(&tv, error);
                retval = (tv_get_number_chk(&tv, error) != 0);
*** 2143,2148 ****
--- 2143,2149 ----
        evalarg_T       local_evalarg;
        int             orig_flags;
        int             evaluate;
+       int             vim9script = in_vim9script();
        if (evalarg == NULL)
*** 2156,2162 ****
            *arg = eval_next_line(evalarg_used);
!           if (evaluate && in_vim9script() && !VIM_ISWHITE(p[-1]))
                error_white_both(p, 1);
--- 2157,2163 ----
            *arg = eval_next_line(evalarg_used);
!           if (evaluate && vim9script && !VIM_ISWHITE(p[-1]))
                error_white_both(p, 1);
*** 2170,2177 ****
            int         error = FALSE;
!           if (in_vim9script() || op_falsy)
                result = tv2bool(rettv);
            else if (tv_get_number_chk(rettv, &error) != 0)
                result = TRUE;
            if (error || !op_falsy || !result)
--- 2171,2180 ----
            int         error = FALSE;
!           if (op_falsy)
                result = tv2bool(rettv);
+           else if (vim9script)
+               result = tv_get_bool_chk(rettv, &error);
            else if (tv_get_number_chk(rettv, &error) != 0)
                result = TRUE;
            if (error || !op_falsy || !result)
*** 2185,2191 ****
        if (op_falsy)
!       if (evaluate && in_vim9script() && !IS_WHITE_OR_NUL((*arg)[1]))
            error_white_both(p, 1);
--- 2188,2194 ----
        if (op_falsy)
!       if (evaluate && vim9script && !IS_WHITE_OR_NUL((*arg)[1]))
            error_white_both(p, 1);
*** 2220,2226 ****
                *arg = eval_next_line(evalarg_used);
!               if (evaluate && in_vim9script() && !VIM_ISWHITE(p[-1]))
                    error_white_both(p, 1);
--- 2223,2229 ----
                *arg = eval_next_line(evalarg_used);
!               if (evaluate && vim9script && !VIM_ISWHITE(p[-1]))
                    error_white_both(p, 1);
*** 2233,2239 ****
             * Get the third variable.  Recursive!
!           if (evaluate && in_vim9script() && !IS_WHITE_OR_NUL((*arg)[1]))
                error_white_both(p, 1);
--- 2236,2242 ----
             * Get the third variable.  Recursive!
!           if (evaluate && vim9script && !IS_WHITE_OR_NUL((*arg)[1]))
                error_white_both(p, 1);
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/vim9compile.c   2020-10-03 22:51:42.890813408 +0200
--- src/vim9compile.c   2020-10-04 15:58:05.471431295 +0200
*** 4212,4218 ****
            // the condition is a constant, we know whether the ? or the :
            // expression is to be evaluated.
            has_const_expr = TRUE;
!           const_value = tv2bool(&ppconst->pp_tv[ppconst_used]);
            cctx->ctx_skip = save_skip == SKIP_YES ||
                 (op_falsy ? const_value : !const_value) ? SKIP_YES : SKIP_NOT;
--- 4212,4228 ----
            // the condition is a constant, we know whether the ? or the :
            // expression is to be evaluated.
            has_const_expr = TRUE;
!           if (op_falsy)
!               const_value = tv2bool(&ppconst->pp_tv[ppconst_used]);
!           else
!           {
!               int error = FALSE;
!               const_value = tv_get_bool_chk(&ppconst->pp_tv[ppconst_used],
!                                                                      &error);
!               if (error)
!                   return FAIL;
!           }
            cctx->ctx_skip = save_skip == SKIP_YES ||
                 (op_falsy ? const_value : !const_value) ? SKIP_YES : SKIP_NOT;
*** 5638,5643 ****
--- 5648,5670 ----
+  * Check that the top of the type stack has a type that can be used as a
+  * condition.  Give an error and return FAIL if not.
+  */
+     static int
+ bool_on_stack(cctx_T *cctx)
+ {
+     garray_T  *stack = &cctx->ctx_type_stack;
+     type_T    *type;
+     type = ((type_T **)stack->ga_data)[stack->ga_len - 1];
+     if (type != &t_bool && type != &t_number && type != &t_any
+           && need_type(type, &t_bool, -1, cctx, FALSE) == FAIL)
+       return FAIL;
+     return OK;
+ }
+ /*
   * compile "if expr"
   * "if expr" Produces instructions:
*** 5689,5696 ****
      else if (instr->ga_len == instr_count && ppconst.pp_used == 1)
        // The expression results in a constant.
!       cctx->ctx_skip = tv2bool(&ppconst.pp_tv[0]) ? SKIP_NOT : SKIP_YES;
--- 5716,5729 ----
      else if (instr->ga_len == instr_count && ppconst.pp_used == 1)
+       int error = FALSE;
+       int v;
        // The expression results in a constant.
!       v = tv_get_bool_chk(&ppconst.pp_tv[0], &error);
!       if (error)
!           return NULL;
!       cctx->ctx_skip = v ? SKIP_NOT : SKIP_YES;
*** 5699,5704 ****
--- 5732,5739 ----
        cctx->ctx_skip = SKIP_UNKNOWN;
        if (generate_ppconst(cctx, &ppconst) == FAIL)
            return NULL;
+       if (bool_on_stack(cctx) == FAIL)
+           return NULL;
      scope = new_scope(cctx, IF_SCOPE);
*** 5764,5772 ****
      else if (instr->ga_len == instr_count && ppconst.pp_used == 1)
        // The expression results in a constant.
        // TODO: how about nesting?
!       cctx->ctx_skip = tv2bool(&ppconst.pp_tv[0]) ? SKIP_NOT : SKIP_YES;
        scope->se_u.se_if.is_if_label = -1;
--- 5799,5813 ----
      else if (instr->ga_len == instr_count && ppconst.pp_used == 1)
+       int error = FALSE;
+       int v;
        // The expression results in a constant.
        // TODO: how about nesting?
!       v = tv_get_bool_chk(&ppconst.pp_tv[0], &error);
!       if (error)
!           return NULL;
!       cctx->ctx_skip = v ? SKIP_NOT : SKIP_YES;
        scope->se_u.se_if.is_if_label = -1;
*** 5776,5781 ****
--- 5817,5824 ----
        cctx->ctx_skip = SKIP_UNKNOWN;
        if (generate_ppconst(cctx, &ppconst) == FAIL)
            return NULL;
+       if (bool_on_stack(cctx) == FAIL)
+           return NULL;
        // "where" is set when ":elseif", "else" or ":endif" is found
        scope->se_u.se_if.is_if_label = instr->ga_len;
*** 6037,6042 ****
--- 6080,6088 ----
      if (compile_expr0(&p, cctx) == FAIL)
        return NULL;
+     if (bool_on_stack(cctx) == FAIL)
+       return FAIL;
      // "while_end" is set when ":endwhile" is found
      if (compile_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_while.ws_end_label,
                                                  JUMP_IF_FALSE, cctx) == FAIL)
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/vim9execute.c   2020-10-03 22:51:42.890813408 +0200
--- src/vim9execute.c   2020-10-04 15:03:09.806014728 +0200
*** 1908,1913 ****
--- 1908,1914 ----
                        tv = STACK_TV_BOT(-1);
                        if (when == JUMP_IF_COND_FALSE
+                               || when == JUMP_IF_FALSE
                                || when == JUMP_IF_COND_TRUE)
                            SOURCING_LNUM = iptr->isn_lnum;
*** 3403,3409 ****
!  * Return TRUE when "tv" is not falsey: non-zero, non-empty string, non-empty
   * list, etc.  Mostly like what JavaScript does, except that empty list and
   * empty dictionary are FALSE.
--- 3404,3410 ----
!  * Return TRUE when "tv" is not falsy: non-zero, non-empty string, non-empty
   * list, etc.  Mostly like what JavaScript does, except that empty list and
   * empty dictionary are FALSE.
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/testdir/vim9.vim        2020-09-09 18:54:39.170253618 
--- src/testdir/vim9.vim        2020-10-04 15:34:40.947913054 +0200
*** 52,54 ****
--- 52,61 ----
    CheckDefFailure(lines, error, lnum)
    CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, error, lnum + 1)
+ " Check that a command fails both when executed in a :def function and when
+ " used in Vim9 script.
+ def CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines: list<string>, error: string, lnum = 
+   CheckDefExecFailure(lines, error, lnum)
+   CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, error, lnum + 1)
+ enddef
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/testdir/test_expr.vim   2020-10-03 20:16:48.775216665 
--- src/testdir/test_expr.vim   2020-10-04 14:42:27.509542060 +0200
*** 42,47 ****
--- 42,57 ----
    call assert_false(has('patch-9.9.1'))
+ func Test_op_trinary()
+   call assert_equal('yes', 1 ? 'yes' : 'no')
+   call assert_equal('no', 0 ? 'yes' : 'no')
+   call assert_equal('no', 'x' ? 'yes' : 'no')
+   call assert_equal('yes', '1x' ? 'yes' : 'no')
+   call assert_fails('echo [1] ? "yes" : "no"', 'E745:')
+   call assert_fails('echo {} ? "yes" : "no"', 'E728:')
+ endfunc
  func Test_op_falsy()
    call assert_equal(v:true, v:true ?? 456)
    call assert_equal(123, 123 ?? 456)
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim      2020-10-03 
22:51:42.894813399 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_expr.vim      2020-10-04 15:04:46.805744662 +0200
*** 18,44 ****
                        'one' :
    if has('float')
!     assert_equal('one', 0.1 ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', 'x' ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', 'x'
                        ? 'one'
                        : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', 0z1234 ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', [0] ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', #{x: 0} ? 'one' : 'two')
    var name = 1
    assert_equal('one', name ? 'one' : 'two')
    assert_equal('two', false ? 'one' : 'two')
    assert_equal('two', 0 ? 'one' : 'two')
    if has('float')
!     assert_equal('two', 0.0 ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('two', '' ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('two', 0z ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('two', [] ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('two', {} ? 'one' : 'two')
    name = 0
    assert_equal('two', name ? 'one' : 'two')
--- 18,44 ----
                        'one' :
    if has('float')
!     assert_equal('one', !!0.1 ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', !!'x' ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', !!'x'
                        ? 'one'
                        : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', !!0z1234 ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', !![0] ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('one', !!#{x: 0} ? 'one' : 'two')
    var name = 1
    assert_equal('one', name ? 'one' : 'two')
    assert_equal('two', false ? 'one' : 'two')
    assert_equal('two', 0 ? 'one' : 'two')
    if has('float')
!     assert_equal('two', !!0.0 ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('two', !!'' ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('two', !!0z ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('two', !![] ? 'one' : 'two')
!   assert_equal('two', !!{} ? 'one' : 'two')
    name = 0
    assert_equal('two', name ? 'one' : 'two')
*** 117,122 ****
--- 117,140 ----
    CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1004:', 2)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       vim9script
+       var name = 'x' ? 1 : 2
+   END
+   CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E1030:', 2)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       vim9script
+       var name = [] ? 1 : 2
+   END
+   CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E745:', 2)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       vim9script
+       var name = {} ? 1 : 2
+   END
+   CheckScriptFailure(lines, 'E728:', 2)
    # check after failure eval_flags is reset
    lines =<< trim END
*** 152,157 ****
--- 170,184 ----
    call CheckDefFailure(["var x = 1 ? 'one' :'two'"], msg, 1)
    call CheckDefFailure(["var x = 1 ? 'one':'two'"], msg, 1)
+   call CheckDefFailure(["var x = 'x' ? 'one' : 'two'"], 'E1030:', 1)
+   call CheckDefFailure(["var x = 0z1234 ? 'one' : 'two'"], 'E974:', 1)
+   call CheckDefExecFailure(["var x = [] ? 'one' : 'two'"], 'E745:', 1)
+   call CheckDefExecFailure(["var x = {} ? 'one' : 'two'"], 'E728:', 1)
+   if has('float')
+     call CheckDefFailure(["var x = 0.1 ? 'one' : 'two'"], 'E805:', 1)
+   endif
    " missing argument detected even when common type is used
    call CheckDefFailure([
        \ 'var X = FuncOne',
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim       2020-10-03 
22:51:42.894813399 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_cmd.vim       2020-10-04 16:00:22.230977948 +0200
*** 68,73 ****
--- 68,141 ----
+ def Test_condition_types()
+   var lines =<< trim END
+       if 'text'
+       endif
+   END
+   CheckDefAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1030:', 1)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       if [1]
+       endif
+   END
+   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1012:', 1)
+   CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, 'E745:', 2)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       g:cond = 'text'
+       if g:cond
+       endif
+   END
+   CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1030:', 2)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       g:cond = 0
+       if g:cond
+       elseif 'text'
+       endif
+   END
+   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1012:', 3)
+   CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, 'E1030:', 4)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       if g:cond
+       elseif [1]
+       endif
+   END
+   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1012:', 2)
+   CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, 'E745:', 3)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       g:cond = 'text'
+       if 0
+       elseif g:cond
+       endif
+   END
+   CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1030:', 3)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       while 'text'
+       endwhile
+   END
+   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1012:', 1)
+   CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, 'E1030:', 2)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       while [1]
+       endwhile
+   END
+   CheckDefFailure(lines, 'E1012:', 1)
+   CheckScriptFailure(['vim9script'] + lines, 'E745:', 2)
+   lines =<< trim END
+       g:cond = 'text'
+       while g:cond
+       endwhile
+   END
+   CheckDefExecAndScriptFailure(lines, 'E1030:', 2)
+ enddef
  def Test_if_linebreak()
    var lines =<< trim END
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim    2020-09-30 
22:59:37.904243979 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_vim9_script.vim    2020-10-04 16:01:46.966700783 +0200
*** 543,549 ****
    CheckDefFailure(['endtry'], 'E602:')
    CheckDefFailure(['while 1', 'endtry'], 'E170:')
    CheckDefFailure(['for i in range(5)', 'endtry'], 'E170:')
!   CheckDefFailure(['if 2', 'endtry'], 'E171:')
    CheckDefFailure(['try', 'echo 1', 'endtry'], 'E1032:')
    CheckDefFailure(['throw'], 'E1015:')
--- 543,549 ----
    CheckDefFailure(['endtry'], 'E602:')
    CheckDefFailure(['while 1', 'endtry'], 'E170:')
    CheckDefFailure(['for i in range(5)', 'endtry'], 'E170:')
!   CheckDefFailure(['if 1', 'endtry'], 'E171:')
    CheckDefFailure(['try', 'echo 1', 'endtry'], 'E1032:')
    CheckDefFailure(['throw'], 'E1015:')
*** ../vim-8.2.1797/src/version.c       2020-10-04 14:17:28.965363295 +0200
--- src/version.c       2020-10-04 14:37:59.738262979 +0200
*** 752,753 ****
--- 752,755 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1798,

The only backup you need is the one that you didn't have time for.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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