Patch 8.2.1874
Problem:    Can't do something just before leaving Insert mode.
Solution:   Add the InsertLeavePre autocommand event. (closes #7177)
Files:      runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/edit.c, src/vim.h,
            src/autocmd.c, src/testdir/test_edit.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.1873/runtime/doc/autocmd.txt     2020-06-12 22:08:56.414965077 
--- runtime/doc/autocmd.txt     2020-10-21 12:06:06.018654049 +0200
*** 881,889 ****
                                The cursor is restored afterwards.  If you do
                                not want that set |v:char| to a non-empty
! InsertLeave                   When leaving Insert mode.  Also when using
!                               CTRL-O |i_CTRL-O|.  But not for |i_CTRL-C|.
  MenuPopup                     Just before showing the popup menu (under the
                                right mouse button).  Useful for adjusting the
--- 881,894 ----
                                The cursor is restored afterwards.  If you do
                                not want that set |v:char| to a non-empty
+                                                       *InsertLeavePre*
+ InsertLeavePre                        Just before leaving Insert mode.  Also 
+                               using CTRL-O |i_CTRL-O|.  Be caseful not to
+                               change mode or use `:normal`, it will likely
+                               cause trouble.
! InsertLeave                   Just after leaving Insert mode.  Also when
!                               using CTRL-O |i_CTRL-O|.  But not for 
  MenuPopup                     Just before showing the popup menu (under the
                                right mouse button).  Useful for adjusting the
*** ../vim-8.2.1873/src/edit.c  2020-09-27 20:12:49.417331796 +0200
--- src/edit.c  2020-10-21 12:00:20.965391532 +0200
*** 3607,3612 ****
--- 3607,3615 ----
+     if (cmdchar != 'r' && cmdchar != 'v')
+       ins_apply_autocmds(EVENT_INSERTLEAVEPRE);
      // When an autoindent was removed, curswant stays after the
      // indent
      if (restart_edit == NUL && (colnr_T)temp == curwin->w_cursor.col)
*** ../vim-8.2.1873/src/vim.h   2020-09-27 15:19:23.638118934 +0200
--- src/vim.h   2020-10-21 12:03:59.358030595 +0200
*** 1298,1304 ****
      EVENT_INSERTCHANGE,               // when changing Insert/Replace mode
      EVENT_INSERTCHARPRE,      // before inserting a char
      EVENT_INSERTENTER,                // when entering Insert mode
!     EVENT_INSERTLEAVE,                // when leaving Insert mode
      EVENT_MENUPOPUP,          // just before popup menu is displayed
      EVENT_OPTIONSET,          // option was set
      EVENT_QUICKFIXCMDPOST,    // after :make, :grep etc.
--- 1298,1305 ----
      EVENT_INSERTCHANGE,               // when changing Insert/Replace mode
      EVENT_INSERTCHARPRE,      // before inserting a char
      EVENT_INSERTENTER,                // when entering Insert mode
!     EVENT_INSERTLEAVEPRE,     // just before leaving Insert mode
!     EVENT_INSERTLEAVE,                // just after leaving Insert mode
      EVENT_MENUPOPUP,          // just before popup menu is displayed
      EVENT_OPTIONSET,          // option was set
      EVENT_QUICKFIXCMDPOST,    // after :make, :grep etc.
*** 1325,1331 ****
      EVENT_TABNEW,             // when entering a new tab page
      EVENT_TERMCHANGED,                // after changing 'term'
      EVENT_TERMINALOPEN,               // after a terminal buffer was created
!     EVENT_TERMINALWINOPEN,    // after a terminal buffer was created and 
entering its window
      EVENT_TERMRESPONSE,               // after setting "v:termresponse"
      EVENT_TEXTCHANGED,                // text was modified not in Insert mode
      EVENT_TEXTCHANGEDI,         // text was modified in Insert mode
--- 1326,1333 ----
      EVENT_TABNEW,             // when entering a new tab page
      EVENT_TERMCHANGED,                // after changing 'term'
      EVENT_TERMINALOPEN,               // after a terminal buffer was created
!     EVENT_TERMINALWINOPEN,    // after a terminal buffer was created and
!                               // entering its window
      EVENT_TERMRESPONSE,               // after setting "v:termresponse"
      EVENT_TEXTCHANGED,                // text was modified not in Insert mode
      EVENT_TEXTCHANGEDI,         // text was modified in Insert mode
*** ../vim-8.2.1873/src/autocmd.c       2020-10-01 22:37:36.403376674 +0200
--- src/autocmd.c       2020-10-21 12:16:43.157448322 +0200
*** 149,154 ****
--- 149,155 ----
      {"InsertChange",  EVENT_INSERTCHANGE},
      {"InsertEnter",   EVENT_INSERTENTER},
      {"InsertLeave",   EVENT_INSERTLEAVE},
+     {"InsertLeavePre",        EVENT_INSERTLEAVEPRE},
      {"InsertCharPre", EVENT_INSERTCHARPRE},
      {"MenuPopup",     EVENT_MENUPOPUP},
      {"OptionSet",     EVENT_OPTIONSET},
*** ../vim-8.2.1873/src/testdir/test_edit.vim   2020-10-13 19:08:20.267560498 
--- src/testdir/test_edit.vim   2020-10-21 12:18:20.157074048 +0200
*** 1446,1476 ****
  func Test_edit_InsertLeave()
    au InsertLeave * let g:did_au = 1
    let g:did_au = 0
    call feedkeys("afoo\<Esc>", 'tx')
    call assert_equal(1, g:did_au)
    call assert_equal('foo', getline(1))
    let g:did_au = 0
    call feedkeys("Sbar\<C-C>", 'tx')
    call assert_equal(0, g:did_au)
    call assert_equal('bar', getline(1))
    inoremap x xx<Esc>
    let g:did_au = 0
    call feedkeys("Saax", 'tx')
    call assert_equal(1, g:did_au)
    call assert_equal('aaxx', getline(1))
    inoremap x xx<C-C>
    let g:did_au = 0
    call feedkeys("Sbbx", 'tx')
    call assert_equal(0, g:did_au)
    call assert_equal('bbxx', getline(1))
!   au! InsertLeave
    iunmap x
--- 1446,1485 ----
  func Test_edit_InsertLeave()
+   au InsertLeavePre * let g:did_au_pre = 1
    au InsertLeave * let g:did_au = 1
+   let g:did_au_pre = 0
    let g:did_au = 0
    call feedkeys("afoo\<Esc>", 'tx')
+   call assert_equal(1, g:did_au_pre)
    call assert_equal(1, g:did_au)
    call assert_equal('foo', getline(1))
+   let g:did_au_pre = 0
    let g:did_au = 0
    call feedkeys("Sbar\<C-C>", 'tx')
+   call assert_equal(1, g:did_au_pre)
    call assert_equal(0, g:did_au)
    call assert_equal('bar', getline(1))
    inoremap x xx<Esc>
+   let g:did_au_pre = 0
    let g:did_au = 0
    call feedkeys("Saax", 'tx')
+   call assert_equal(1, g:did_au_pre)
    call assert_equal(1, g:did_au)
    call assert_equal('aaxx', getline(1))
    inoremap x xx<C-C>
+   let g:did_au_pre = 0
    let g:did_au = 0
    call feedkeys("Sbbx", 'tx')
+   call assert_equal(1, g:did_au_pre)
    call assert_equal(0, g:did_au)
    call assert_equal('bbxx', getline(1))
!   au! InsertLeave InsertLeavePre
    iunmap x
*** ../vim-8.2.1873/src/version.c       2020-10-20 23:11:30.172481858 +0200
--- src/version.c       2020-10-21 12:19:14.680927829 +0200
*** 752,753 ****
--- 752,755 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1874,

# echo reboot >universe
# chmod +x universe
# ./universe

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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