Bram Moolenaar wrote:
Patch 8.2.2068
Problem:    Transparent syntax item uses start/end of containing region.
Solution:   Do not change the startpos and endpos of a transparent region to
            that of its containing region. (Adrian Ghizaru, closes #7349,
            closes #7391)
Files:      src/syntax.c, src/testdir/test_syntax.vim

I wish there were startcontains=grouplist and endcontains=grouplist for start=pattern and end=pattern in syntax highlighting.

As an example, consider heredocs in shell syntax:

cat <<EOF | fgrep junk  # this is a comment
    this is                               (testing trailing fgrep on cat line)

    test                                  (--endtest--)
 To support folding properly, we need cat through EOF to be in one region. However, that | fgrep ... should be highlighted as regular shell syntax. Currently its not because I cannot do both folding of the entire heredoc and the shell syntax embedded in the start pattern for the region.

Chip Campbell

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