Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

> Environment:
> amd64
> tmux
> clang-12
> Failures:
>         From test_vim9_builtin.vim:
>         Found errors in Test_remote_foreground():
>         command line..script 
> /source/vim/vim-8.2.3104/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[473]..function 
> RunTheTest[44]..Test_remote_foreground line 5: Expected 'E241:' but got 
> 'E240: No connection to the X server': remote_foreground("NonExistingServer")

I can't think of a recent change that could have caused this.
Perhaps it's a flaky test failure?

>From "know your smileys":
 :q     vi user saying, "How do I get out of this damn emacs editor?"

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