
I'm not knowingly using lambdas. I'm trying to debug some netrw code and I keep ending up with the following error:

." is a directory
Error detected while processing VimEnter Autocommands for "*"..function <SNR>72_VimEnter[15]..<lambda>1[1]..<SNR>72_LocalBrowse[32]..netrw#LocalBrowseCheck:
line   26:
E171: Missing :endif
Press ENTER or type command to continue

There are no mismatched if-endif s in netrwPlugin.vim (LocalBrowse). The error appears to occur early in netrw#LocalBrowseCheck; early enough that I can visuallly verify that there aren't any mismatched if-elseif-endifs there, either. I have Decho-style debugging on in netrw.vim but not in netrwPlugin.vim.

It appears that the message is incorrect. By putting Decho()s into the code, I've narrowed down where the error appears to occur: redir @a . The command I'm interested in hasn't even run yet (ls!). Any hints?

Chip Campbell

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