Patch 8.2.3536
Problem:    The do_highlight() function is way too long.
Solution:   Split it into several functions. (Yegappan Lakshmanan,
            closes #9011)
Files:      src/highlight.c

*** ../vim-8.2.3535/src/highlight.c     2021-10-15 22:25:37.785385044 +0100
--- src/highlight.c     2021-10-18 22:12:59.041516541 +0100
*** 377,386 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
      char_u    *p;
!     /*
!      * Try finding the color scheme file.  Used when a color file was loaded
!      * and 'background' or 't_Co' is changed.
!      */
      p = get_var_value((char_u *)"g:colors_name");
      if (p != NULL)
--- 377,384 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
      char_u    *p;
!     // Try finding the color scheme file.  Used when a color file was loaded
!     // and 'background' or 't_Co' is changed.
      p = get_var_value((char_u *)"g:colors_name");
      if (p != NULL)
*** 400,408 ****
!     /*
!      * Didn't use a color file, use the compiled-in colors.
!      */
      if (both)
        had_both = TRUE;
--- 398,404 ----
!     // Didn't use a color file, use the compiled-in colors.
      if (both)
        had_both = TRUE;
*** 441,449 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
!     /*
!      * If syntax highlighting is enabled load the highlighting for it.
!      */
      if (get_var_value((char_u *)"g:syntax_on") != NULL)
        static int      recursive = 0;
--- 437,443 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
!     // If syntax highlighting is enabled load the highlighting for it.
      if (get_var_value((char_u *)"g:syntax_on") != NULL)
        static int      recursive = 0;
*** 581,591 ****
      else if (t_colors == 16 || t_colors == 88
                                           || t_colors >= 256)
!       /*
!        * Guess: if the termcap entry ends in 'm', it is
!        * probably an xterm-like terminal.  Use the changed
!        * order for colors.
!        */
        if (*T_CAF != NUL)
            p = T_CAF;
--- 575,583 ----
      else if (t_colors == 16 || t_colors == 88
                                           || t_colors >= 256)
!       // Guess: if the termcap entry ends in 'm', it is
!       // probably an xterm-like terminal.  Use the changed
!       // order for colors.
        if (*T_CAF != NUL)
            p = T_CAF;
*** 611,616 ****
--- 603,1360 ----
+  * Link highlight group 'from_hg' to 'to_hg'.
+  * 'dodefault' is set to TRUE for ":highlight default link".
+  * 'forceit' is set to TRUE for ":higlight! link"
+  * 'init' is set to TRUE when initializing all the highlight groups.
+  */
+     static void
+ highlight_group_link(
+       char_u  *from_hg,
+       int     from_len,
+       char_u  *to_hg,
+       int     to_len,
+       int     dodefault,
+       int     forceit,
+       int     init)
+ {
+     int               from_id;
+     int               to_id;
+     hl_group_T        *hlgroup = NULL;
+     from_id = syn_check_group(from_hg, from_len);
+     if (STRNCMP(to_hg, "NONE", 4) == 0)
+       to_id = 0;
+     else
+       to_id = syn_check_group(to_hg, to_len);
+     if (from_id > 0)
+     {
+       hlgroup = &HL_TABLE()[from_id - 1];
+       if (dodefault && (forceit || hlgroup->sg_deflink == 0))
+       {
+           hlgroup->sg_deflink = to_id;
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+           hlgroup->sg_deflink_sctx = current_sctx;
+           hlgroup->sg_deflink_sctx.sc_lnum += SOURCING_LNUM;
+ #endif
+       }
+     }
+     if (from_id > 0 && (!init || hlgroup->sg_set == 0))
+     {
+       // Don't allow a link when there already is some highlighting
+       // for the group, unless '!' is used
+       if (to_id > 0 && !forceit && !init
+               && hl_has_settings(from_id - 1, dodefault))
+       {
+           if (SOURCING_NAME == NULL && !dodefault)
+               emsg(_("E414: group has settings, highlight link ignored"));
+       }
+       else if (hlgroup->sg_link != to_id
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+               || hlgroup->sg_script_ctx.sc_sid != current_sctx.sc_sid
+ #endif
+               || hlgroup->sg_cleared)
+       {
+           if (!init)
+               hlgroup->sg_set |= SG_LINK;
+           hlgroup->sg_link = to_id;
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+           hlgroup->sg_script_ctx = current_sctx;
+           hlgroup->sg_script_ctx.sc_lnum += SOURCING_LNUM;
+ #endif
+           hlgroup->sg_cleared = FALSE;
+           redraw_all_later(SOME_VALID);
+           // Only call highlight_changed() once after multiple changes.
+           need_highlight_changed = TRUE;
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Reset all highlighting to the defaults. Removes all highlighting for the
+  * groups added by the user.
+  */
+     static void
+ highlight_reset_all(void)
+ {
+     int               idx;
+ #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+     // First, we do not destroy the old values, but allocate the new
+     // ones and update the display. THEN we destroy the old values.
+     // If we destroy the old values first, then the old values
+     // (such as GuiFont's or GuiFontset's) will still be displayed but
+     // invalid because they were free'd.
+     if (gui.in_use)
+     {
+ # ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_TIP
+       gui_init_tooltip_font();
+ # endif
+ # if defined(FEAT_MENU) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || 
+       gui_init_menu_font();
+ # endif
+     }
+ # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_X11)
+     gui_mch_def_colors();
+ # endif
+ # ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
+ #  ifdef FEAT_MENU
+     // This only needs to be done when there is no Menu highlight
+     // group defined by default, which IS currently the case.
+     gui_mch_new_menu_colors();
+ #  endif
+     if (gui.in_use)
+     {
+       gui_new_scrollbar_colors();
+ #  ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_GUI
+       gui_mch_new_tooltip_colors();
+ #  endif
+ #  ifdef FEAT_MENU
+       gui_mch_new_menu_font();
+ #  endif
+     }
+ # endif
+     // Ok, we're done allocating the new default graphics items.
+     // The screen should already be refreshed at this point.
+     // It is now Ok to clear out the old data.
+ #endif
+ #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+     do_unlet((char_u *)"g:colors_name", TRUE);
+ #endif
+     restore_cterm_colors();
+     // Clear all default highlight groups and load the defaults.
+     for (idx = 0; idx < highlight_ga.ga_len; ++idx)
+       highlight_clear(idx);
+     init_highlight(TRUE, TRUE);
+ #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
+     if (USE_24BIT)
+       highlight_gui_started();
+     else
+ #endif
+       highlight_changed();
+     redraw_later_clear();
+ }
+ /*
+  * Set the 'term' or 'cterm' or 'gui' attributes for the highlight group at
+  * index 'idx'.
+  * 'key' is one of 'TERM' or 'CTERM' or 'GUI'
+  * 'arg' is the list of attribute names separated by comma.
+  * 'init' is set to TRUE when initializing all the highlight groups.
+  * Returns TRUE if the attributes are set.
+  */
+     static int
+ highlight_set_termgui_attr(int idx, char_u *key, char_u *arg, int init)
+ {
+     int               attr;
+     int               off;
+     long      i;
+     int               len;
+     attr = 0;
+     off = 0;
+     while (arg[off] != NUL)
+     {
+       for (i = ARRAY_LENGTH(hl_attr_table); --i >= 0; )
+       {
+           len = (int)STRLEN(hl_name_table[i]);
+           if (STRNICMP(arg + off, hl_name_table[i], len) == 0)
+           {
+               attr |= hl_attr_table[i];
+               off += len;
+               break;
+           }
+       }
+       if (i < 0)
+       {
+           semsg(_("E418: Illegal value: %s"), arg);
+           return FALSE;
+       }
+       if (arg[off] == ',')            // another one follows
+           ++off;
+     }
+     if (*key == 'T')
+     {
+       if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_TERM))
+       {
+           if (!init)
+               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM;
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_term = attr;
+       }
+     }
+     else if (*key == 'C')
+     {
+       if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_CTERM))
+       {
+           if (!init)
+               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_CTERM;
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm = attr;
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = FALSE;
+       }
+     }
+ #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
+     else
+     {
+       if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
+       {
+           if (!init)
+               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui = attr;
+       }
+     }
+ #endif
+     return TRUE;
+ }
+ #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+ /*
+  * Set the font for the highlight group at 'idx'.
+  * 'arg' is the font name.
+  * Returns TRUE if the font is changed.
+  */
+     static int
+ highlight_set_font(
+       int     idx,
+       char_u  *arg,
+       int     is_normal_group,
+       int     is_menu_group,
+       int     is_tooltip_group)
+ {
+     int               did_change = FALSE;
+     // in non-GUI fonts are simply ignored
+     if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name != NULL
+           && STRCMP(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name, arg) == 0)
+     {
+       // Font name didn't change, ignore.
+     }
+     else if (!gui.shell_created)
+     {
+       // GUI not started yet, always accept the name.
+       vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name);
+       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
+       did_change = TRUE;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       GuiFont temp_sg_font = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font;
+       GuiFontset temp_sg_fontset = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset;
+ # endif
+       // First, save the current font/fontset.
+       // Then try to allocate the font/fontset.
+       // If the allocation fails, HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font OR
+       // sg_fontset will be set to NOFONT or NOFONTSET respectively.
+       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = NOFONT;
+       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = NOFONTSET;
+ # endif
+       hl_do_font(idx, arg, is_normal_group, is_menu_group,
+               is_tooltip_group, FALSE);
+       if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset != NOFONTSET)
+       {
+           // New fontset was accepted. Free the old one, if there
+           // was one.
+           gui_mch_free_fontset(temp_sg_fontset);
+           vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name);
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
+           did_change = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = temp_sg_fontset;
+ # endif
+       if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font != NOFONT)
+       {
+           // New font was accepted. Free the old one, if there was
+           // one.
+           gui_mch_free_font(temp_sg_font);
+           vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name);
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
+           did_change = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = temp_sg_font;
+     }
+     return did_change;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*
+  * Set the cterm foreground color for the highlight group at 'idx' to 'color'.
+  * Returns TRUE if the foreground color is set.
+  */
+     static void
+ highlight_set_ctermfg(int idx, int color, int is_normal_group)
+ {
+     HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_fg = color + 1;
+     if (is_normal_group)
+     {
+       cterm_normal_fg_color = color + 1;
+       cterm_normal_fg_bold = (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm & HL_BOLD);
+ #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+       // Don't do this if the GUI is used.
+       if (!gui.in_use && !gui.starting)
+ #endif
+       {
+           must_redraw = CLEAR;
+           if (termcap_active && color >= 0)
+               term_fg_color(color);
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Set the cterm background color for the highlight group at 'idx' to 'color'.
+  * Returns TRUE if the background color is set.
+  */
+     static void
+ highlight_set_ctermbg(int idx, int color, int is_normal_group)
+ {
+     HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bg = color + 1;
+     if (is_normal_group)
+     {
+       cterm_normal_bg_color = color + 1;
+ #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+       // Don't mess with 'background' if the GUI is used.
+       if (!gui.in_use && !gui.starting)
+ #endif
+       {
+           must_redraw = CLEAR;
+           if (color >= 0)
+           {
+               int dark = -1;
+               if (termcap_active)
+                   term_bg_color(color);
+               if (t_colors < 16)
+                   dark = (color == 0 || color == 4);
+               // Limit the heuristic to the standard 16 colors
+               else if (color < 16)
+                   dark = (color < 7 || color == 8);
+               // Set the 'background' option if the value is
+               // wrong.
+               if (dark != -1
+                       && dark != (*p_bg == 'd')
+                       && !option_was_set((char_u *)"bg"))
+               {
+                   set_option_value((char_u *)"bg", 0L,
+                           (char_u *)(dark ? "dark" : "light"), 0);
+                   reset_option_was_set((char_u *)"bg");
+               }
+           }
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Set the cterm underline color for the highlight group at 'idx' to 'color'.
+  * Returns TRUE if the underline color is set.
+  */
+     static void
+ highlight_set_ctermul(int idx, int color, int is_normal_group)
+ {
+     HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_ul = color + 1;
+     if (is_normal_group)
+     {
+       cterm_normal_ul_color = color + 1;
+ #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+       // Don't do this if the GUI is used.
+       if (!gui.in_use && !gui.starting)
+ #endif
+       {
+           must_redraw = CLEAR;
+           if (termcap_active && color >= 0)
+               term_ul_color(color);
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Set the cterm fg/bg/ul color for the highlight group at 'idx'.
+  * 'key' is one of 'CTERMFG' or 'CTERMBG' or 'CTERMUL'.
+  * 'keystart' is the color name/value.
+  * 'arg' is the color name or the numeric value as a string.
+  * 'is_normal_group' is set if the highlight group is 'NORMAL'
+  * 'init' is set to TRUE when initializing highlighting.
+  * Called for the ":highlight" command and the "hlset()" function.
+  *
+  * Returns TRUE if the color is set.
+  */
+     static int
+ highlight_set_cterm_color(
+       int     idx,
+       char_u  *key,
+       char_u  *key_start,
+       char_u  *arg,
+       int     is_normal_group,
+       int     init)
+ {
+     int               color;
+     long      i;
+     int               off;
+     if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_CTERM))
+     {
+       if (!init)
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_CTERM;
+       // When setting the foreground color, and previously the "bold"
+       // flag was set for a light color, reset it now
+       if (key[5] == 'F' && HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold)
+       {
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm &= ~HL_BOLD;
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = FALSE;
+       }
+       if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*arg))
+           color = atoi((char *)arg);
+       else if (STRICMP(arg, "fg") == 0)
+       {
+           if (cterm_normal_fg_color)
+               color = cterm_normal_fg_color - 1;
+           else
+           {
+               emsg(_("E419: FG color unknown"));
+               return FALSE;
+           }
+       }
+       else if (STRICMP(arg, "bg") == 0)
+       {
+           if (cterm_normal_bg_color > 0)
+               color = cterm_normal_bg_color - 1;
+           else
+           {
+               emsg(_("E420: BG color unknown"));
+               return FALSE;
+           }
+       }
+       else if (STRICMP(arg, "ul") == 0)
+       {
+           if (cterm_normal_ul_color > 0)
+               color = cterm_normal_ul_color - 1;
+           else
+           {
+               emsg(_("E453: UL color unknown"));
+               return FALSE;
+           }
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           int bold = MAYBE;
+           // reduce calls to STRICMP a bit, it can be slow
+           off = TOUPPER_ASC(*arg);
+           for (i = ARRAY_LENGTH(color_names); --i >= 0; )
+               if (off == color_names[i][0]
+                       && STRICMP(arg + 1, color_names[i] + 1) == 0)
+                   break;
+           if (i < 0)
+           {
+               semsg(_("E421: Color name or number not recognized: %s"),
+                                                               key_start);
+               return FALSE;
+           }
+           color = lookup_color(i, key[5] == 'F', &bold);
+           // set/reset bold attribute to get light foreground
+           // colors (on some terminals, e.g. "linux")
+           if (bold == TRUE)
+           {
+               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm |= HL_BOLD;
+               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = TRUE;
+           }
+           else if (bold == FALSE)
+               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm &= ~HL_BOLD;
+       }
+       // Add one to the argument, to avoid zero.  Zero is used for
+       // "NONE", then "color" is -1.
+       if (key[5] == 'F')
+           highlight_set_ctermfg(idx, color, is_normal_group);
+       else if (key[5] == 'B')
+           highlight_set_ctermbg(idx, color, is_normal_group);
+       else // ctermul
+           highlight_set_ctermul(idx, color, is_normal_group);
+     }
+     return TRUE;
+ }
+ #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
+ /*
+  * Set the GUI foreground color for the highlight group at 'idx'.
+  * Returns TRUE if the color is set.
+  */
+     static int
+ highlight_set_guifg(
+       int     idx,
+       char_u  *arg,
+       int     is_menu_group UNUSED,
+       int     is_scrollbar_group UNUSED,
+       int     is_tooltip_group UNUSED,
+       int     *do_colors UNUSED,
+       int     init)
+ {
+     long      i;
+     char_u    **namep;
+     int               did_change = FALSE;
+     namep = &HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg_name;
+     if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
+     {
+       if (!init)
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
+ # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
+       // In GUI guifg colors are only used when recognized
+       i = color_name2handle(arg);
+       if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !USE_24BIT)
+       {
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg = i;
+ # endif
+           if (*namep == NULL || STRCMP(*namep, arg) != 0)
+           {
+               vim_free(*namep);
+               if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE") != 0)
+                   *namep = vim_strsave(arg);
+               else
+                   *namep = NULL;
+               did_change = TRUE;
+           }
+ # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
+ #  ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
+           if (is_menu_group && gui.menu_fg_pixel != i)
+           {
+               gui.menu_fg_pixel = i;
+               *do_colors = TRUE;
+           }
+           if (is_scrollbar_group && gui.scroll_fg_pixel != i)
+           {
+               gui.scroll_fg_pixel = i;
+               *do_colors = TRUE;
+           }
+ #   ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_GUI
+           if (is_tooltip_group && gui.tooltip_fg_pixel != i)
+           {
+               gui.tooltip_fg_pixel = i;
+               *do_colors = TRUE;
+           }
+ #   endif
+ #  endif
+       }
+ # endif
+     }
+     return did_change;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Set the GUI background color for the highlight group at 'idx'.
+  * Returns TRUE if the color is set.
+  */
+     static int
+ highlight_set_guibg(
+       int     idx,
+       char_u  *arg,
+       int     is_menu_group UNUSED,
+       int     is_scrollbar_group UNUSED,
+       int     is_tooltip_group UNUSED,
+       int     *do_colors UNUSED,
+       int     init)
+ {
+     int               i;
+     char_u    **namep;
+     int               did_change = FALSE;
+     namep = &HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg_name;
+     if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
+     {
+       if (!init)
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
+ # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
+       // In GUI guifg colors are only used when recognized
+       i = color_name2handle(arg);
+       if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !USE_24BIT)
+       {
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg = i;
+ # endif
+           if (*namep == NULL || STRCMP(*namep, arg) != 0)
+           {
+               vim_free(*namep);
+               if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE") != 0)
+                   *namep = vim_strsave(arg);
+               else
+                   *namep = NULL;
+               did_change = TRUE;
+           }
+ # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
+ #  ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
+           if (is_menu_group && gui.menu_bg_pixel != i)
+           {
+               gui.menu_bg_pixel = i;
+               *do_colors = TRUE;
+           }
+           if (is_scrollbar_group && gui.scroll_bg_pixel != i)
+           {
+               gui.scroll_bg_pixel = i;
+               *do_colors = TRUE;
+           }
+ #   ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_GUI
+           if (is_tooltip_group && gui.tooltip_bg_pixel != i)
+           {
+               gui.tooltip_bg_pixel = i;
+               *do_colors = TRUE;
+           }
+ #   endif
+ #  endif
+       }
+ # endif
+     }
+     return did_change;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Set the GUI undercurl/strikethrough color for the highlight group at 'idx'.
+  * Returns TRUE if the color is set.
+  */
+     static int
+ highlight_set_guisp(int idx, char_u *arg, int init)
+ {
+ # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
+     int               i;
+ # endif
+     int               did_change = FALSE;
+     char_u    **namep;
+     namep = &HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp_name;
+     if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
+     {
+       if (!init)
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
+ # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
+       // In GUI guisp colors are only used when recognized
+       i = color_name2handle(arg);
+       if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !USE_24BIT)
+       {
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp = i;
+ # endif
+           if (*namep == NULL || STRCMP(*namep, arg) != 0)
+           {
+               vim_free(*namep);
+               if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE") != 0)
+                   *namep = vim_strsave(arg);
+               else
+                   *namep = NULL;
+               did_change = TRUE;
+           }
+ # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
+       }
+ # endif
+     }
+     return did_change;
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*
+  * Set the start/stop terminal codes for a highlight group.
+  * Returns TRUE if the terminal code is set.
+  */
+     static int
+ highlight_set_startstop_termcode(int idx, char_u *key, char_u *arg, int init)
+ {
+     int               off;
+     char_u    buf[100];
+     int               len;
+     char_u    *tname;
+     char_u    *p;
+     if (!init)
+       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM;
+     // The "start" and "stop"  arguments can be a literal escape
+     // sequence, or a comma separated list of terminal codes.
+     if (STRNCMP(arg, "t_", 2) == 0)
+     {
+       off = 0;
+       buf[0] = 0;
+       while (arg[off] != NUL)
+       {
+           // Isolate one termcap name
+           for (len = 0; arg[off + len] &&
+                   arg[off + len] != ','; ++len)
+               ;
+           tname = vim_strnsave(arg + off, len);
+           if (tname == NULL)          // out of memory
+               return FALSE;
+           // lookup the escape sequence for the item
+           p = get_term_code(tname);
+           vim_free(tname);
+           if (p == NULL)          // ignore non-existing things
+               p = (char_u *)"";
+           // Append it to the already found stuff
+           if ((int)(STRLEN(buf) + STRLEN(p)) >= 99)
+           {
+               semsg(_("E422: terminal code too long: %s"), arg);
+               return FALSE;
+           }
+           STRCAT(buf, p);
+           // Advance to the next item
+           off += len;
+           if (arg[off] == ',')            // another one follows
+               ++off;
+       }
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       // Copy characters from arg[] to buf[], translating <> codes.
+       for (p = arg, off = 0; off < 100 - 6 && *p; )
+       {
+           len = trans_special(&p, buf + off, FSK_SIMPLIFY, NULL);
+           if (len > 0)            // recognized special char
+               off += len;
+           else                    // copy as normal char
+               buf[off++] = *p++;
+       }
+       buf[off] = NUL;
+     }
+     if (STRCMP(buf, "NONE") == 0)     // resetting the value
+       p = NULL;
+     else
+       p = vim_strsave(buf);
+     if (key[2] == 'A')
+     {
+       vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_start);
+       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_start = p;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_stop);
+       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_stop = p;
+     }
+     return TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
   * Handle the ":highlight .." command.
   * When using ":hi clear" this is called recursively for each group with
   * "forceit" and "init" both TRUE.
*** 622,636 ****
      int               init)       // TRUE when called for initializing
      char_u    *name_end;
-     char_u    *p;
      char_u    *linep;
      char_u    *key_start;
      char_u    *arg_start;
      char_u    *key = NULL, *arg = NULL;
      long      i;
-     int               off;
-     int               len;
-     int               attr;
      int               id;
      int               idx;
      hl_group_T        item_before;
--- 1366,1376 ----
*** 639,662 ****
      int               doclear = FALSE;
      int               dolink = FALSE;
      int               error = FALSE;
-     int               color;
      int               is_normal_group = FALSE;        // "Normal" group
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
      int               is_menu_group = FALSE;          // "Menu" group
      int               is_scrollbar_group = FALSE;     // "Scrollbar" group
      int               is_tooltip_group = FALSE;       // "Tooltip" group
-     int               do_colors = FALSE;              // need to update 
  # define is_menu_group 0
  # define is_tooltip_group 0
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
      int               did_highlight_changed = FALSE;
!     /*
!      * If no argument, list current highlighting.
!      */
      if (!init && ends_excmd2(line - 1, line))
        for (i = 1; i <= highlight_ga.ga_len && !got_int; ++i)
--- 1379,1402 ----
      int               doclear = FALSE;
      int               dolink = FALSE;
      int               error = FALSE;
      int               is_normal_group = FALSE;        // "Normal" group
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
      int               is_menu_group = FALSE;          // "Menu" group
      int               is_scrollbar_group = FALSE;     // "Scrollbar" group
      int               is_tooltip_group = FALSE;       // "Tooltip" group
  # define is_menu_group 0
  # define is_tooltip_group 0
+ # define is_scrollbar_group 0
+ #endif
+ #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
+     int               do_colors = FALSE;              // need to update 
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
      int               did_highlight_changed = FALSE;
!     // If no argument, list current highlighting.
      if (!init && ends_excmd2(line - 1, line))
        for (i = 1; i <= highlight_ga.ga_len && !got_int; ++i)
*** 665,679 ****
!     /*
!      * Isolate the name.
!      */
      name_end = skiptowhite(line);
      linep = skipwhite(name_end);
!     /*
!      * Check for "default" argument.
!      */
      if (STRNCMP(line, "default", name_end - line) == 0)
        dodefault = TRUE;
--- 1405,1415 ----
!     // Isolate the name.
      name_end = skiptowhite(line);
      linep = skipwhite(name_end);
!     // Check for "default" argument.
      if (STRNCMP(line, "default", name_end - line) == 0)
        dodefault = TRUE;
*** 682,698 ****
        linep = skipwhite(name_end);
!     /*
!      * Check for "clear" or "link" argument.
!      */
      if (STRNCMP(line, "clear", name_end - line) == 0)
        doclear = TRUE;
      if (STRNCMP(line, "link", name_end - line) == 0)
        dolink = TRUE;
!     /*
!      * ":highlight {group-name}": list highlighting for one group.
!      */
      if (!doclear && !dolink && ends_excmd2(line, linep))
        id = syn_namen2id(line, (int)(name_end - line));
--- 1418,1430 ----
        linep = skipwhite(name_end);
!     // Check for "clear" or "link" argument.
      if (STRNCMP(line, "clear", name_end - line) == 0)
        doclear = TRUE;
      if (STRNCMP(line, "link", name_end - line) == 0)
        dolink = TRUE;
!     // ":highlight {group-name}": list highlighting for one group.
      if (!doclear && !dolink && ends_excmd2(line, linep))
        id = syn_namen2id(line, (int)(name_end - line));
*** 703,720 ****
!     /*
!      * Handle ":highlight link {from} {to}" command.
!      */
      if (dolink)
        char_u      *from_start = linep;
        char_u      *from_end;
        char_u      *to_start;
        char_u      *to_end;
!       int         from_id;
!       int         to_id;
!       hl_group_T  *hlgroup = NULL;
        from_end = skiptowhite(from_start);
        to_start = skipwhite(from_end);
--- 1435,1449 ----
!     // Handle ":highlight link {from} {to}" command.
      if (dolink)
        char_u      *from_start = linep;
        char_u      *from_end;
+       int         from_len;
        char_u      *to_start;
        char_u      *to_end;
!       int         to_len;
        from_end = skiptowhite(from_start);
        to_start = skipwhite(from_end);
*** 734,860 ****
!       from_id = syn_check_group(from_start, (int)(from_end - from_start));
!       if (STRNCMP(to_start, "NONE", 4) == 0)
!           to_id = 0;
!       else
!           to_id = syn_check_group(to_start, (int)(to_end - to_start));
!       if (from_id > 0)
!       {
!           hlgroup = &HL_TABLE()[from_id - 1];
!           if (dodefault && (forceit || hlgroup->sg_deflink == 0))
!           {
!               hlgroup->sg_deflink = to_id;
! #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
!               hlgroup->sg_deflink_sctx = current_sctx;
!               hlgroup->sg_deflink_sctx.sc_lnum += SOURCING_LNUM;
! #endif
!           }
!       }
!       if (from_id > 0 && (!init || hlgroup->sg_set == 0))
!       {
!           /*
!            * Don't allow a link when there already is some highlighting
!            * for the group, unless '!' is used
!            */
!           if (to_id > 0 && !forceit && !init
!                                  && hl_has_settings(from_id - 1, dodefault))
!           {
!               if (SOURCING_NAME == NULL && !dodefault)
!                   emsg(_("E414: group has settings, highlight link ignored"));
!           }
!           else if (hlgroup->sg_link != to_id
! #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
!                   || hlgroup->sg_script_ctx.sc_sid != current_sctx.sc_sid
! #endif
!                   || hlgroup->sg_cleared)
!           {
!               if (!init)
!                   hlgroup->sg_set |= SG_LINK;
!               hlgroup->sg_link = to_id;
! #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
!               hlgroup->sg_script_ctx = current_sctx;
!               hlgroup->sg_script_ctx.sc_lnum += SOURCING_LNUM;
! #endif
!               hlgroup->sg_cleared = FALSE;
!               redraw_all_later(SOME_VALID);
!               // Only call highlight_changed() once after multiple changes.
!               need_highlight_changed = TRUE;
!           }
!       }
      if (doclear)
!       /*
!        * ":highlight clear [group]" command.
!        */
        if (ends_excmd2(line, linep))
! #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!           // First, we do not destroy the old values, but allocate the new
!           // ones and update the display. THEN we destroy the old values.
!           // If we destroy the old values first, then the old values
!           // (such as GuiFont's or GuiFontset's) will still be displayed but
!           // invalid because they were free'd.
!           if (gui.in_use)
!           {
! # ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_TIP
!               gui_init_tooltip_font();
! # endif
! # if defined(FEAT_MENU) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || 
!               gui_init_menu_font();
! # endif
!           }
! # if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_X11)
!           gui_mch_def_colors();
! # endif
! # ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
! #  ifdef FEAT_MENU
!           // This only needs to be done when there is no Menu highlight
!           // group defined by default, which IS currently the case.
!           gui_mch_new_menu_colors();
! #  endif
!           if (gui.in_use)
!           {
!               gui_new_scrollbar_colors();
! #  ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_GUI
!               gui_mch_new_tooltip_colors();
! #  endif
! #  ifdef FEAT_MENU
!               gui_mch_new_menu_font();
! #  endif
!           }
! # endif
!           // Ok, we're done allocating the new default graphics items.
!           // The screen should already be refreshed at this point.
!           // It is now Ok to clear out the old data.
! #endif
! #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
!           do_unlet((char_u *)"g:colors_name", TRUE);
! #endif
!           restore_cterm_colors();
!           /*
!            * Clear all default highlight groups and load the defaults.
!            */
!           for (idx = 0; idx < highlight_ga.ga_len; ++idx)
!               highlight_clear(idx);
!           init_highlight(TRUE, TRUE);
! #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
!           if (USE_24BIT)
!               highlight_gui_started();
!           else
! #endif
!               highlight_changed();
!           redraw_later_clear();
        line = linep;
--- 1463,1482 ----
!       from_len = (int)(from_end - from_start);
!       to_len = (int)(to_end - to_start);
!       highlight_group_link(from_start, from_len, to_start, to_len,
!                                               dodefault, forceit, init);
      if (doclear)
!       // ":highlight clear [group]" command.
        if (ends_excmd2(line, linep))
!           // ":highlight clear" without group name
!           highlight_reset_all();
        line = linep;
*** 862,874 ****
        linep = skipwhite(name_end);
!     /*
!      * Find the group name in the table.  If it does not exist yet, add it.
!      */
      id = syn_check_group(line, (int)(name_end - line));
!     if (id == 0)                      // failed (out of memory)
!     idx = id - 1;                     // index is ID minus one
      // Return if "default" was used and the group already has settings.
      if (dodefault && hl_has_settings(idx, TRUE))
--- 1484,1494 ----
        linep = skipwhite(name_end);
!     // Find the group name in the table.  If it does not exist yet, add it.
      id = syn_check_group(line, (int)(name_end - line));
!     if (id == 0)      // failed (out of memory)
!     idx = id - 1;     // index is ID minus one
      // Return if "default" was used and the group already has settings.
      if (dodefault && hl_has_settings(idx, TRUE))
*** 897,1505 ****
      if (!doclear)
!       while (!ends_excmd2(line, linep))
!       {
!       key_start = linep;
!       if (*linep == '=')
!           semsg(_("E415: unexpected equal sign: %s"), key_start);
!           error = TRUE;
!           break;
!       }
!       /*
!        * Isolate the key ("term", "ctermfg", "ctermbg", "font", "guifg" or
!        * "guibg").
!        */
!       while (*linep && !VIM_ISWHITE(*linep) && *linep != '=')
!           ++linep;
!       vim_free(key);
!       key = vim_strnsave_up(key_start, linep - key_start);
!       if (key == NULL)
!       {
!           error = TRUE;
!           break;
!       }
!       linep = skipwhite(linep);
!       if (STRCMP(key, "NONE") == 0)
!       {
!           if (!init || HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set == 0)
!               if (!init)
!                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM+SG_CTERM+SG_GUI;
!               highlight_clear(idx);
!           }
!           continue;
!       }
!       /*
!        * Check for the equal sign.
!        */
!       if (*linep != '=')
!       {
!           semsg(_("E416: missing equal sign: %s"), key_start);
!           error = TRUE;
!           break;
!       }
!       ++linep;
!       /*
!        * Isolate the argument.
!        */
!       linep = skipwhite(linep);
!       if (*linep == '\'')             // guifg='color name'
!       {
!           arg_start = ++linep;
!           linep = vim_strchr(linep, '\'');
!           if (linep == NULL)
!           {
!               semsg(_(e_invarg2), key_start);
                error = TRUE;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-           arg_start = linep;
-           linep = skiptowhite(linep);
-       }
-       if (linep == arg_start)
-       {
-           semsg(_("E417: missing argument: %s"), key_start);
-           error = TRUE;
-           break;
-       }
-       vim_free(arg);
-       arg = vim_strnsave(arg_start, linep - arg_start);
-       if (arg == NULL)
-       {
-           error = TRUE;
-           break;
-       }
-       if (*linep == '\'')
-           ++linep;
!       /*
!        * Store the argument.
!        */
!       if (  STRCMP(key, "TERM") == 0
!               || STRCMP(key, "CTERM") == 0
!               || STRCMP(key, "GUI") == 0)
!       {
!           attr = 0;
!           off = 0;
!           while (arg[off] != NUL)
!               for (i = ARRAY_LENGTH(hl_attr_table); --i >= 0; )
!               {
!                   len = (int)STRLEN(hl_name_table[i]);
!                   if (STRNICMP(arg + off, hl_name_table[i], len) == 0)
!                   {
!                       attr |= hl_attr_table[i];
!                       off += len;
!                       break;
!                   }
!               }
!               if (i < 0)
!               {
!                   semsg(_("E418: Illegal value: %s"), arg);
!                   error = TRUE;
!                   break;
!               }
!               if (arg[off] == ',')            // another one follows
!                   ++off;
!           }
!           if (error)
-           if (*key == 'T')
-           {
-               if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_TERM))
-               {
-                   if (!init)
-                       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM;
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_term = attr;
-               }
!           else if (*key == 'C')
!           {
!               if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_CTERM))
!               {
!                   if (!init)
!                       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_CTERM;
!                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm = attr;
!                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = FALSE;
!               }
!           }
! #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
!           else
!               if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
                    if (!init)
!                       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
!                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui = attr;
- #endif
-       }
-       else if (STRCMP(key, "FONT") == 0)
-       {
-           // in non-GUI fonts are simply ignored
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
-           if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name != NULL
-                            && STRCMP(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name, arg) == 0)
-           {
-               // Font name didn't change, ignore.
-           }
-           else if (!gui.shell_created)
-           {
-               // GUI not started yet, always accept the name.
-               vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name);
-               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
-               did_change = TRUE;
-           }
-           else
-           {
-               GuiFont temp_sg_font = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font;
-               GuiFontset temp_sg_fontset = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset;
- # endif
-               // First, save the current font/fontset.
-               // Then try to allocate the font/fontset.
-               // If the allocation fails, HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font OR
-               // sg_fontset will be set to NOFONT or NOFONTSET respectively.
-               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = NOFONT;
-               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = NOFONTSET;
- # endif
-               hl_do_font(idx, arg, is_normal_group, is_menu_group,
-                                                    is_tooltip_group, FALSE);
-               if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset != NOFONTSET)
-               {
-                   // New fontset was accepted. Free the old one, if there
-                   // was one.
-                   gui_mch_free_fontset(temp_sg_fontset);
-                   vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name);
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
-                   did_change = TRUE;
-               }
-               else
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = temp_sg_fontset;
- # endif
-               if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font != NOFONT)
-               {
-                   // New font was accepted. Free the old one, if there was
-                   // one.
-                   gui_mch_free_font(temp_sg_font);
-                   vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name);
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
-                   did_change = TRUE;
-               }
-               else
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = temp_sg_font;
-           }
- #endif
-       }
-       else if (STRCMP(key, "CTERMFG") == 0 || STRCMP(key, "CTERMBG") == 0
-                                               || STRCMP(key, "CTERMUL") == 0)
-       {
-         if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_CTERM))
-         {
-           if (!init)
-               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_CTERM;
!           // When setting the foreground color, and previously the "bold"
!           // flag was set for a light color, reset it now
!           if (key[5] == 'F' && HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold)
!               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm &= ~HL_BOLD;
!               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = FALSE;
!           if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*arg))
!               color = atoi((char *)arg);
!           else if (STRICMP(arg, "fg") == 0)
!           {
!               if (cterm_normal_fg_color)
!                   color = cterm_normal_fg_color - 1;
!               else
!                   emsg(_("E419: FG color unknown"));
                    error = TRUE;
!           else if (STRICMP(arg, "bg") == 0)
!               if (cterm_normal_bg_color > 0)
!                   color = cterm_normal_bg_color - 1;
!               else
!               {
!                   emsg(_("E420: BG color unknown"));
!                   error = TRUE;
!                   break;
!               }
!           else if (STRICMP(arg, "ul") == 0)
!               if (cterm_normal_ul_color > 0)
!                   color = cterm_normal_ul_color - 1;
!               else
!               {
!                   emsg(_("E453: UL color unknown"));
!                   error = TRUE;
!                   break;
!               }
!           else
!               int bold = MAYBE;
!               // reduce calls to STRICMP a bit, it can be slow
!               off = TOUPPER_ASC(*arg);
!               for (i = ARRAY_LENGTH(color_names); --i >= 0; )
!                   if (off == color_names[i][0]
!                                && STRICMP(arg + 1, color_names[i] + 1) == 0)
!                       break;
!               if (i < 0)
-                   semsg(_("E421: Color name or number not recognized: %s"), 
                    error = TRUE;
-               color = lookup_color(i, key[5] == 'F', &bold);
-               // set/reset bold attribute to get light foreground
-               // colors (on some terminals, e.g. "linux")
-               if (bold == TRUE)
-               {
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm |= HL_BOLD;
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = TRUE;
-               }
-               else if (bold == FALSE)
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm &= ~HL_BOLD;
!           // Add one to the argument, to avoid zero.  Zero is used for
!           // "NONE", then "color" is -1.
!           if (key[5] == 'F')
!               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_fg = color + 1;
!               if (is_normal_group)
!               {
!                   cterm_normal_fg_color = color + 1;
!                   cterm_normal_fg_bold = (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm & HL_BOLD);
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!                   // Don't do this if the GUI is used.
!                   if (!gui.in_use && !gui.starting)
-                   {
-                       must_redraw = CLEAR;
-                       if (termcap_active && color >= 0)
-                           term_fg_color(color);
-                   }
-               }
!           else if (key[5] == 'B')
!               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bg = color + 1;
!               if (is_normal_group)
!                   cterm_normal_bg_color = color + 1;
! #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!                   // Don't mess with 'background' if the GUI is used.
!                   if (!gui.in_use && !gui.starting)
! #endif
!                   {
!                       must_redraw = CLEAR;
!                       if (color >= 0)
!                       {
!                           int dark = -1;
!                           if (termcap_active)
!                               term_bg_color(color);
!                           if (t_colors < 16)
!                               dark = (color == 0 || color == 4);
!                           // Limit the heuristic to the standard 16 colors
!                           else if (color < 16)
!                               dark = (color < 7 || color == 8);
!                           // Set the 'background' option if the value is
!                           // wrong.
!                           if (dark != -1
!                                   && dark != (*p_bg == 'd')
!                                   && !option_was_set((char_u *)"bg"))
!                           {
!                               set_option_value((char_u *)"bg", 0L,
!                                      (char_u *)(dark ? "dark" : "light"), 0);
!                               reset_option_was_set((char_u *)"bg");
!                           }
!                       }
!                   }
!           else // ctermul
!               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_ul = color + 1;
!               if (is_normal_group)
!               {
!                   cterm_normal_ul_color = color + 1;
! #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!                   // Don't do this if the GUI is used.
!                   if (!gui.in_use && !gui.starting)
-                   {
-                       must_redraw = CLEAR;
-                       if (termcap_active && color >= 0)
-                           term_ul_color(color);
-                   }
-               }
!         }
!       }
!       else if (STRCMP(key, "GUIFG") == 0)
!       {
! #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
!           char_u **namep = &HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg_name;
!           if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
-               if (!init)
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
- # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
-               // In GUI guifg colors are only used when recognized
-               i = color_name2handle(arg);
-               if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !USE_24BIT)
-               {
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg = i;
- # endif
-                   if (*namep == NULL || STRCMP(*namep, arg) != 0)
-                   {
-                       vim_free(*namep);
-                       if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE") != 0)
-                           *namep = vim_strsave(arg);
-                       else
-                           *namep = NULL;
-                       did_change = TRUE;
-                   }
- # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
- #  ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
-                   if (is_menu_group && gui.menu_fg_pixel != i)
-                   {
-                       gui.menu_fg_pixel = i;
-                       do_colors = TRUE;
-                   }
-                   if (is_scrollbar_group && gui.scroll_fg_pixel != i)
-                   {
-                       gui.scroll_fg_pixel = i;
-                       do_colors = TRUE;
-                   }
- #   ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_GUI
-                   if (is_tooltip_group && gui.tooltip_fg_pixel != i)
-                   {
-                       gui.tooltip_fg_pixel = i;
-                       do_colors = TRUE;
-                   }
- #   endif
- #  endif
-               }
- # endif
-           }
- #endif
-       }
-       else if (STRCMP(key, "GUIBG") == 0)
-       {
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
!           char_u **namep = &HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg_name;
!           if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
!           {
!               if (!init)
!                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
! # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
!               // In GUI guifg colors are only used when recognized
!               i = color_name2handle(arg);
!               if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !USE_24BIT)
!               {
!                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg = i;
! # endif
!                   if (*namep == NULL || STRCMP(*namep, arg) != 0)
!                   {
!                       vim_free(*namep);
!                       if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE") != 0)
!                           *namep = vim_strsave(arg);
!                       else
!                           *namep = NULL;
!                       did_change = TRUE;
!                   }
! # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
! #  ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
!                   if (is_menu_group && gui.menu_bg_pixel != i)
!                   {
!                       gui.menu_bg_pixel = i;
!                       do_colors = TRUE;
!                   }
!                   if (is_scrollbar_group && gui.scroll_bg_pixel != i)
!                   {
!                       gui.scroll_bg_pixel = i;
!                       do_colors = TRUE;
!                   }
! #   ifdef FEAT_BEVAL_GUI
!                   if (is_tooltip_group && gui.tooltip_bg_pixel != i)
!                   {
!                       gui.tooltip_bg_pixel = i;
!                       do_colors = TRUE;
!                   }
! #   endif
! #  endif
!               }
! # endif
!           }
-       }
-       else if (STRCMP(key, "GUISP") == 0)
-       {
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
-           char_u **namep = &HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp_name;
-           if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
-           {
-               if (!init)
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
- # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
-               // In GUI guisp colors are only used when recognized
-               i = color_name2handle(arg);
-               if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !USE_24BIT)
-               {
-                   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp = i;
- # endif
-                   if (*namep == NULL || STRCMP(*namep, arg) != 0)
-                   {
-                       vim_free(*namep);
-                       if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE") != 0)
-                           *namep = vim_strsave(arg);
-                       else
-                           *namep = NULL;
-                       did_change = TRUE;
-                   }
- # if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
-               }
- # endif
-       }
-       else if (STRCMP(key, "START") == 0 || STRCMP(key, "STOP") == 0)
-       {
-           char_u      buf[100];
-           char_u      *tname;
-           if (!init)
-               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM;
-           /*
-            * The "start" and "stop"  arguments can be a literal escape
-            * sequence, or a comma separated list of terminal codes.
-            */
-           if (STRNCMP(arg, "t_", 2) == 0)
-           {
-               off = 0;
-               buf[0] = 0;
-               while (arg[off] != NUL)
-               {
-                   // Isolate one termcap name
-                   for (len = 0; arg[off + len] &&
-                                                arg[off + len] != ','; ++len)
-                       ;
-                   tname = vim_strnsave(arg + off, len);
-                   if (tname == NULL)          // out of memory
-                   {
-                       error = TRUE;
-                       break;
-                   }
-                   // lookup the escape sequence for the item
-                   p = get_term_code(tname);
-                   vim_free(tname);
-                   if (p == NULL)          // ignore non-existing things
-                       p = (char_u *)"";
-                   // Append it to the already found stuff
-                   if ((int)(STRLEN(buf) + STRLEN(p)) >= 99)
-                   {
-                       semsg(_("E422: terminal code too long: %s"), arg);
-                       error = TRUE;
-                       break;
-                   }
-                   STRCAT(buf, p);
-                   // Advance to the next item
-                   off += len;
-                   if (arg[off] == ',')            // another one follows
-                       ++off;
-               }
!           else
!               /*
!                * Copy characters from arg[] to buf[], translating <> codes.
!                */
!               for (p = arg, off = 0; off < 100 - 6 && *p; )
!                   len = trans_special(&p, buf + off, FSK_SIMPLIFY, NULL);
!                   if (len > 0)            // recognized special char
!                       off += len;
!                   else                    // copy as normal char
!                       buf[off++] = *p++;
-               buf[off] = NUL;
-           if (error)
-               break;
-           if (STRCMP(buf, "NONE") == 0)       // resetting the value
-               p = NULL;
-               p = vim_strsave(buf);
-           if (key[2] == 'A')
!               vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_start);
!               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_start = p;
!           }
!           else
!           {
!               vim_free(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_stop);
!               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_stop = p;
-       else
-       {
-           semsg(_("E423: Illegal argument: %s"), key_start);
-           error = TRUE;
-           break;
-       }
-       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cleared = FALSE;
!       /*
!        * When highlighting has been given for a group, don't link it.
!        */
!       if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_LINK))
!           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_link = 0;
!       /*
!        * Continue with next argument.
!        */
!       linep = skipwhite(linep);
!       }
!     /*
!      * If there is an error, and it's a new entry, remove it from the table.
!      */
      if (error && idx == highlight_ga.ga_len)
--- 1517,1680 ----
      if (!doclear)
!       while (!ends_excmd2(line, linep))
!           key_start = linep;
!           if (*linep == '=')
!               semsg(_("E415: unexpected equal sign: %s"), key_start);
                error = TRUE;
!           // Isolate the key ("term", "ctermfg", "ctermbg", "font", "guifg"
!           // or "guibg").
!           while (*linep && !VIM_ISWHITE(*linep) && *linep != '=')
!               ++linep;
!           vim_free(key);
!           key = vim_strnsave_up(key_start, linep - key_start);
!           if (key == NULL)
!               error = TRUE;
!           linep = skipwhite(linep);
!           if (STRCMP(key, "NONE") == 0)
!               if (!init || HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set == 0)
                    if (!init)
!                       HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM+SG_CTERM+SG_GUI;
!                   highlight_clear(idx);
+               continue;
!           // Check for the equal sign.
!           if (*linep != '=')
!               semsg(_("E416: missing equal sign: %s"), key_start);
!               error = TRUE;
!               break;
+           ++linep;
!           // Isolate the argument.
!           linep = skipwhite(linep);
!           if (*linep == '\'')         // guifg='color name'
!           {
!               arg_start = ++linep;
!               linep = vim_strchr(linep, '\'');
!               if (linep == NULL)
!                   semsg(_(e_invarg2), key_start);
                    error = TRUE;
!           else
!               arg_start = linep;
!               linep = skiptowhite(linep);
!           if (linep == arg_start)
!               semsg(_("E417: missing argument: %s"), key_start);
!               error = TRUE;
!               break;
!           vim_free(arg);
!           arg = vim_strnsave(arg_start, linep - arg_start);
!           if (arg == NULL)
!               error = TRUE;
!               break;
!           }
!           if (*linep == '\'')
!               ++linep;
!           // Store the argument.
!           if (STRCMP(key, "TERM") == 0
!                   || STRCMP(key, "CTERM") == 0
!                   || STRCMP(key, "GUI") == 0)
!           {
!               if (!highlight_set_termgui_attr(idx, key, arg, init))
                    error = TRUE;
!           else if (STRCMP(key, "FONT") == 0)
!               // in non-GUI fonts are simply ignored
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!               if (highlight_set_font(idx, arg, is_normal_group,
!                                             is_menu_group, is_tooltip_group))
!                   did_change = TRUE;
!           else if (STRCMP(key, "CTERMFG") == 0
!                   || STRCMP(key, "CTERMBG") == 0
!                   || STRCMP(key, "CTERMUL") == 0)
!               if (!highlight_set_cterm_color(idx, key, key_start, arg,
!                                                       is_normal_group, init))
!                   error = TRUE;
!                   break;
!           else if (STRCMP(key, "GUIFG") == 0)
! #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
!               if (highlight_set_guifg(idx, arg, is_menu_group,
!                                         is_scrollbar_group, is_tooltip_group,
!                                                            &do_colors, init))
!                   did_change = TRUE;
!           else if (STRCMP(key, "GUIBG") == 0)
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
!               if (highlight_set_guibg(idx, arg, is_menu_group,
!                           is_scrollbar_group, is_tooltip_group,
!                           &do_colors, init))
!                   did_change = TRUE;
+           else if (STRCMP(key, "GUISP") == 0)
+           {
+ #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
+               if (highlight_set_guisp(idx, arg, init))
+                   did_change = TRUE;
!           else if (STRCMP(key, "START") == 0 || STRCMP(key, "STOP") == 0)
!               if (!highlight_set_startstop_termcode(idx, key, arg, init))
!                   error = TRUE;
!                   break;
!               semsg(_("E423: Illegal argument: %s"), key_start);
!               error = TRUE;
!               break;
+           HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cleared = FALSE;
+           // When highlighting has been given for a group, don't link it.
+           if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_LINK))
+               HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_link = 0;
+           // Continue with next argument.
+           linep = skipwhite(linep);
!     // If there is an error, and it's a new entry, remove it from the table.
      if (error && idx == highlight_ga.ga_len)
*** 1510,1519 ****
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_attr = 0;
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_attr = 0;
!           /*
!            * Need to update all groups, because they might be using "bg"
!            * and/or "fg", which have been changed now.
!            */
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
            if (USE_24BIT)
--- 1685,1692 ----
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_attr = 0;
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_attr = 0;
!           // Need to update all groups, because they might be using "bg"
!           // and/or "fg", which have been changed now.
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(FEAT_TERMGUICOLORS)
            if (USE_24BIT)
*** 2088,2102 ****
      attrentry_T       *taep;
      static int        recursive = FALSE;
!     /*
!      * Init the table, in case it wasn't done yet.
!      */
      table->ga_itemsize = sizeof(attrentry_T);
      table->ga_growsize = 7;
!     /*
!      * Try to find an entry with the same specifications.
!      */
      for (i = 0; i < table->ga_len; ++i)
        taep = &(((attrentry_T *)table->ga_data)[i]);
--- 2261,2271 ----
      attrentry_T       *taep;
      static int        recursive = FALSE;
!     // Init the table, in case it wasn't done yet.
      table->ga_itemsize = sizeof(attrentry_T);
      table->ga_growsize = 7;
!     // Try to find an entry with the same specifications.
      for (i = 0; i < table->ga_len; ++i)
        taep = &(((attrentry_T *)table->ga_data)[i]);
*** 2149,2159 ****
      if (table->ga_len + ATTR_OFF > MAX_TYPENR)
!       /*
!        * Running out of attribute entries!  remove all attributes, and
!        * compute new ones for all groups.
!        * When called recursively, we are really out of numbers.
!        */
        if (recursive)
            emsg(_("E424: Too many different highlighting attributes in use"));
--- 2318,2326 ----
      if (table->ga_len + ATTR_OFF > MAX_TYPENR)
!       // Running out of attribute entries!  remove all attributes, and
!       // compute new ones for all groups.
!       // When called recursively, we are really out of numbers.
        if (recursive)
            emsg(_("E424: Too many different highlighting attributes in use"));
*** 2171,2179 ****
        recursive = FALSE;
!     /*
!      * This is a new combination of colors and font, add an entry.
!      */
      if (ga_grow(table, 1) == FAIL)
        return 0;
--- 2338,2344 ----
        recursive = FALSE;
!     // This is a new combination of colors and font, add an entry.
      if (ga_grow(table, 1) == FAIL)
        return 0;
*** 2852,2861 ****
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!     /*
!      * For the GUI mode: If there are other than "normal" highlighting
!      * attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
!      */
      if (sgp->sg_gui_fg == INVALCOLOR
            && sgp->sg_gui_bg == INVALCOLOR
            && sgp->sg_gui_sp == INVALCOLOR
--- 3017,3024 ----
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!     // For the GUI mode: If there are other than "normal" highlighting
!     // attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
      if (sgp->sg_gui_fg == INVALCOLOR
            && sgp->sg_gui_bg == INVALCOLOR
            && sgp->sg_gui_sp == INVALCOLOR
*** 2880,2889 ****
        sgp->sg_gui_attr = get_attr_entry(&gui_attr_table, &at_en);
!     /*
!      * For the term mode: If there are other than "normal" highlighting
!      * attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
!      */
      if (sgp->sg_start == NULL && sgp->sg_stop == NULL)
        sgp->sg_term_attr = sgp->sg_term;
--- 3043,3050 ----
        sgp->sg_gui_attr = get_attr_entry(&gui_attr_table, &at_en);
!     // For the term mode: If there are other than "normal" highlighting
!     // attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
      if (sgp->sg_start == NULL && sgp->sg_stop == NULL)
        sgp->sg_term_attr = sgp->sg_term;
*** 2894,2903 ****
        sgp->sg_term_attr = get_attr_entry(&term_attr_table, &at_en);
!     /*
!      * For the color term mode: If there are other than "normal"
!      * highlighting attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
!      */
      if (sgp->sg_cterm_fg == 0 && sgp->sg_cterm_bg == 0 && sgp->sg_cterm_ul == 0
            && sgp->sg_gui_fg == INVALCOLOR
--- 3055,3062 ----
        sgp->sg_term_attr = get_attr_entry(&term_attr_table, &at_en);
!     // For the color term mode: If there are other than "normal"
!     // highlighting attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
      if (sgp->sg_cterm_fg == 0 && sgp->sg_cterm_bg == 0 && sgp->sg_cterm_ul == 0
            && sgp->sg_gui_fg == INVALCOLOR
*** 3088,3096 ****
!     /*
!      * First call for this growarray: init growing array.
!      */
      if (highlight_ga.ga_data == NULL)
        highlight_ga.ga_itemsize = sizeof(hl_group_T);
--- 3247,3253 ----
!     // First call for this growarray: init growing array.
      if (highlight_ga.ga_data == NULL)
        highlight_ga.ga_itemsize = sizeof(hl_group_T);
*** 3104,3112 ****
        return 0;
!     /*
!      * Make room for at least one other syntax_highlight entry.
!      */
      if (ga_grow(&highlight_ga, 1) == FAIL)
--- 3261,3267 ----
        return 0;
!     // Make room for at least one other syntax_highlight entry.
      if (ga_grow(&highlight_ga, 1) == FAIL)
*** 3158,3166 ****
      sgp = &HL_TABLE()[hl_id - 1];         // index is ID minus one
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!     /*
!      * Only use GUI attr when the GUI is being used.
!      */
      if (gui.in_use)
        attr = sgp->sg_gui_attr;
--- 3313,3319 ----
      sgp = &HL_TABLE()[hl_id - 1];         // index is ID minus one
  #ifdef FEAT_GUI
!     // Only use GUI attr when the GUI is being used.
      if (gui.in_use)
        attr = sgp->sg_gui_attr;
*** 3220,3229 ****
      if (hl_id > highlight_ga.ga_len || hl_id < 1)
        return 0;                       // Can be called from eval!!
!     /*
!      * Follow links until there is no more.
!      * Look out for loops!  Break after 100 links.
!      */
      for (count = 100; --count >= 0; )
        sgp = &HL_TABLE()[hl_id - 1];       // index is ID minus one
--- 3373,3380 ----
      if (hl_id > highlight_ga.ga_len || hl_id < 1)
        return 0;                       // Can be called from eval!!
!     // Follow links until there is no more.
!     // Look out for loops!  Break after 100 links.
      for (count = 100; --count >= 0; )
        sgp = &HL_TABLE()[hl_id - 1];       // index is ID minus one
*** 3398,3413 ****
      need_highlight_changed = FALSE;
!     /*
!      * Clear all attributes.
!      */
      for (hlf = 0; hlf < (int)HLF_COUNT; ++hlf)
        highlight_attr[hlf] = 0;
!     /*
!      * First set all attributes to their default value.
!      * Then use the attributes from the 'highlight' option.
!      */
      for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        if (i)
--- 3549,3560 ----
      need_highlight_changed = FALSE;
!     // Clear all attributes.
      for (hlf = 0; hlf < (int)HLF_COUNT; ++hlf)
        highlight_attr[hlf] = 0;
!     // First set all attributes to their default value.
!     // Then use the attributes from the 'highlight' option.
      for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        if (i)
*** 3426,3435 ****
            if (hlf == (int)HLF_COUNT || *p == NUL)
                return FAIL;
!           /*
!            * Allow several hl_flags to be combined, like "bu" for
!            * bold-underlined.
!            */
            attr = 0;
            for ( ; *p && *p != ','; ++p)           // parse up to comma
--- 3573,3580 ----
            if (hlf == (int)HLF_COUNT || *p == NUL)
                return FAIL;
!           // Allow several hl_flags to be combined, like "bu" for
!           // bold-underlined.
            attr = 0;
            for ( ; *p && *p != ','; ++p)           // parse up to comma
*** 3492,3508 ****
!     /*
!      * Setup the user highlights
!      *
!      * Temporarily utilize 28 more hl entries:
!      * 9 for User1-User9 combined with StatusLineNC
!      * 9 for User1-User9 combined with StatusLineTerm
!      * 9 for User1-User9 combined with StatusLineTermNC
!      * 1 for StatusLine default
!      * Have to be in there simultaneously in case of table overflows in
!      * get_attr_entry()
!      */
  # ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
      if (ga_grow(&highlight_ga, 28) == FAIL)
        return FAIL;
--- 3637,3651 ----
!     // Setup the user highlights
!     //
!     // Temporarily utilize 28 more hl entries:
!     // 9 for User1-User9 combined with StatusLineNC
!     // 9 for User1-User9 combined with StatusLineTerm
!     // 9 for User1-User9 combined with StatusLineTermNC
!     // 1 for StatusLine default
!     // Have to be in there simultaneously in case of table overflows in
!     // get_attr_entry()
  # ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
      if (ga_grow(&highlight_ga, 28) == FAIL)
        return FAIL;
*** ../vim-8.2.3535/src/version.c       2021-10-18 20:56:32.117548181 +0100
--- src/version.c       2021-10-18 22:08:49.651342156 +0100
*** 759,760 ****
--- 759,762 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     3536,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
195. Your cat has its own home page.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///                                                                      \\\
\\\        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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