
I've got a plugin that I wrote years ago that I only just noticed is misbehaving; ie. it used to work properly but it no longer does.

So, I thought what I'd like to do is to get vim 9.0 back (with no patches) and see if that worked. Then, if the plugin continues to misbehave, then I'd like to get vim 8.0. Once I have a version of vim where the plugin works I'd like to use git bisect to find the problematic patch. I realize that I'd have to learn more git. So, how to get vim 9.0, vim 8.0?

I've traced the problem to visual mode stuff. Essentially, use visual mode to select some text, delete and move it to the end of file, operate on it, and move it back. When I do the commands that the plugin issues by hand, things work correctly. When the plugin does those same commands, instead of putting back the column of text vim forgets to use visual-block mode style insert (and visualmode() is still returning a ctrl-v before&after).

Chip Campbell

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