On 22/12/25 1:07 PM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
With 9.0.1094, in the script that follows, attempting to read a
classMember through  an instance fails;

     echomsg c.classMember

should it?
No, an object does not provide a class member.

I suppose requiring the class name makes it most clear, but I recall
mention that classnames can get long. I suppose a getter could be added.
How can you access the getter without referring to the class?

Assuming c is an object


where the method GetClassMember() returns the classMember that was declared static.

Can a class method (or should it be called class function?) be static?
Nothing *is* static, the "static" keyword is used to change the meaning
of items.

I should have said "can a method/function defined in a class be declared static?"

One way to look at it: is it the case that any method can be invoked as


and as long as "SomeMethod()" doesn't reference a variable like "this.someVar" then it's OK?


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