Patch 9.0.1173
Problem:    Compiler warning for unused variable on non-Unix systems.
Solution:   Move #ifdef. (John Marriott)
Files:      src/term.c

*** ../vim-9.0.1172/src/term.c  2023-01-10 12:37:33.249580669 +0000
--- src/term.c  2023-01-10 19:14:48.638242268 +0000
*** 2159,2164 ****
--- 2159,2165 ----
+ #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
      // If the first number in t_XM is 1006 then the terminal will support SGR
      // mouse reporting.
      int did_set_ttym = FALSE;
*** 2175,2181 ****
- #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
       * For Unix, set the 'ttymouse' option to the type of mouse to be used.
       * The termcode for the mouse is added as a side effect in option.c.
--- 2176,2181 ----
*** ../vim-9.0.1172/src/version.c       2023-01-10 17:29:24.916481478 +0000
--- src/version.c       2023-01-10 19:15:37.606286190 +0000
*** 697,698 ****
--- 697,700 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1173,

If the Universe is constantly expanding, why can't I ever find a parking space?

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///                                                                      \\\
\\\        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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