Patch 9.0.1175
Problem:    The set_ref_in_item() function is too long.
Solution:   Use a separate function for more complicated types. (Yegappan
            Lakshmanan, closes #11802)
Files:      src/eval.c

*** ../vim-9.0.1174/src/eval.c  2023-01-06 18:42:16.434674109 +0000
--- src/eval.c  2023-01-11 11:44:37.922251835 +0000
*** 5484,5489 ****
--- 5484,5738 ----
+  * Mark the dict "dd" with "copyID".
+  * Also see set_ref_in_item().
+  */
+     static int
+ set_ref_in_item_dict(
+     dict_T            *dd,
+     int                       copyID,
+     ht_stack_T                **ht_stack,
+     list_stack_T      **list_stack)
+ {
+     if (dd == NULL || dd->dv_copyID == copyID)
+       return FALSE;
+     // Didn't see this dict yet.
+     dd->dv_copyID = copyID;
+     if (ht_stack == NULL)
+       return set_ref_in_ht(&dd->dv_hashtab, copyID, list_stack);
+     ht_stack_T *newitem = ALLOC_ONE(ht_stack_T);
+     if (newitem == NULL)
+       return TRUE;
+     newitem->ht = &dd->dv_hashtab;
+     newitem->prev = *ht_stack;
+     *ht_stack = newitem;
+     return FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Mark the list "ll" with "copyID".
+  * Also see set_ref_in_item().
+  */
+     static int
+ set_ref_in_item_list(
+     list_T            *ll,
+     int                       copyID,
+     ht_stack_T                **ht_stack,
+     list_stack_T      **list_stack)
+ {
+     if (ll == NULL || ll->lv_copyID == copyID)
+       return FALSE;
+     // Didn't see this list yet.
+     ll->lv_copyID = copyID;
+     if (list_stack == NULL)
+       return set_ref_in_list_items(ll, copyID, ht_stack);
+     list_stack_T *newitem = ALLOC_ONE(list_stack_T);
+     if (newitem == NULL)
+       return TRUE;
+     newitem->list = ll;
+     newitem->prev = *list_stack;
+     *list_stack = newitem;
+     return FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Mark the partial "pt" with "copyID".
+  * Also see set_ref_in_item().
+  */
+     static int
+ set_ref_in_item_partial(
+     partial_T         *pt,
+     int                       copyID,
+     ht_stack_T                **ht_stack,
+     list_stack_T      **list_stack)
+ {
+     if (pt == NULL || pt->pt_copyID == copyID)
+       return FALSE;
+     // Didn't see this partial yet.
+     pt->pt_copyID = copyID;
+     int abort = set_ref_in_func(pt->pt_name, pt->pt_func, copyID);
+     if (pt->pt_dict != NULL)
+     {
+       typval_T dtv;
+       dtv.v_type = VAR_DICT;
+       dtv.vval.v_dict = pt->pt_dict;
+       set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+     }
+     for (int i = 0; i < pt->pt_argc; ++i)
+       abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(&pt->pt_argv[i], copyID,
+               ht_stack, list_stack);
+     // pt_funcstack is handled in set_ref_in_funcstacks()
+     // pt_loopvars is handled in set_ref_in_loopvars()
+     return abort;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Mark the job "pt" with "copyID".
+  * Also see set_ref_in_item().
+  */
+     static int
+ set_ref_in_item_job(
+     job_T             *job,
+     int                       copyID,
+     ht_stack_T                **ht_stack,
+     list_stack_T      **list_stack)
+ {
+     typval_T    dtv;
+     if (job == NULL || job->jv_copyID == copyID)
+       return FALSE;
+     job->jv_copyID = copyID;
+     if (job->jv_channel != NULL)
+     {
+       dtv.v_type = VAR_CHANNEL;
+       dtv.vval.v_channel = job->jv_channel;
+       set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+     }
+     if (job->jv_exit_cb.cb_partial != NULL)
+     {
+       dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
+       dtv.vval.v_partial = job->jv_exit_cb.cb_partial;
+       set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+     }
+ #endif
+     return FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Mark the channel "ch" with "copyID".
+  * Also see set_ref_in_item().
+  */
+     static int
+ set_ref_in_item_channel(
+     channel_T         *ch,
+     int                       copyID,
+     ht_stack_T                **ht_stack,
+     list_stack_T      **list_stack)
+ {
+     typval_T    dtv;
+     if (ch == NULL || ch->ch_copyID == copyID)
+       return FALSE;
+     ch->ch_copyID = copyID;
+     for (ch_part_T part = PART_SOCK; part < PART_COUNT; ++part)
+     {
+       for (jsonq_T *jq = ch->ch_part[part].ch_json_head.jq_next;
+               jq != NULL; jq = jq->jq_next)
+           set_ref_in_item(jq->jq_value, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+       for (cbq_T *cq = ch->ch_part[part].ch_cb_head.cq_next; cq != NULL;
+               cq = cq->cq_next)
+           if (cq->cq_callback.cb_partial != NULL)
+           {
+               dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
+               dtv.vval.v_partial = cq->cq_callback.cb_partial;
+               set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+           }
+       if (ch->ch_part[part].ch_callback.cb_partial != NULL)
+       {
+           dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
+           dtv.vval.v_partial = ch->ch_part[part].ch_callback.cb_partial;
+           set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+       }
+     }
+     if (ch->ch_callback.cb_partial != NULL)
+     {
+       dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
+       dtv.vval.v_partial = ch->ch_callback.cb_partial;
+       set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+     }
+     if (ch->ch_close_cb.cb_partial != NULL)
+     {
+       dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
+       dtv.vval.v_partial = ch->ch_close_cb.cb_partial;
+       set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+     }
+ #endif
+     return FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Mark the class "cl" with "copyID".
+  * Also see set_ref_in_item().
+  */
+     static int
+ set_ref_in_item_class(
+     class_T           *cl,
+     int                       copyID,
+     ht_stack_T                **ht_stack,
+     list_stack_T      **list_stack)
+ {
+     int abort = FALSE;
+     if (cl == NULL || cl->class_copyID == copyID
+                               || (cl->class_flags & CLASS_INTERFACE) != 0)
+       return FALSE;
+     cl->class_copyID = copyID;
+     for (int i = 0; !abort && i < cl->class_class_member_count; ++i)
+       abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(
+               &cl->class_members_tv[i],
+               copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
+     for (int i = 0; !abort && i < cl->class_class_function_count; ++i)
+       abort = abort || set_ref_in_func(NULL,
+               cl->class_class_functions[i], copyID);
+     for (int i = 0; !abort && i < cl->class_obj_method_count; ++i)
+       abort = abort || set_ref_in_func(NULL,
+               cl->class_obj_methods[i], copyID);
+     return abort;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Mark the object "cl" with "copyID".
+  * Also see set_ref_in_item().
+  */
+     static int
+ set_ref_in_item_object(
+     object_T          *obj,
+     int                       copyID,
+     ht_stack_T                **ht_stack,
+     list_stack_T      **list_stack)
+ {
+     int abort = FALSE;
+     if (obj == NULL || obj->obj_copyID == copyID)
+       return FALSE;
+     obj->obj_copyID = copyID;
+     // The typval_T array is right after the object_T.
+     typval_T *mtv = (typval_T *)(obj + 1);
+     for (int i = 0; !abort
+           && i < obj->obj_class->class_obj_member_count; ++i)
+       abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(mtv + i, copyID,
+               ht_stack, list_stack);
+     return abort;
+ }
+ /*
   * Mark all lists, dicts and other container types referenced through typval
   * "tv" with "copyID".
   * "list_stack" is used to add lists to be marked.  Can be NULL.
*** 5503,5564 ****
      switch (tv->v_type)
        case VAR_DICT:
!       {
!           dict_T      *dd = tv->vval.v_dict;
!           if (dd != NULL && dd->dv_copyID != copyID)
!           {
!               // Didn't see this dict yet.
!               dd->dv_copyID = copyID;
!               if (ht_stack == NULL)
!               {
!                   abort = set_ref_in_ht(&dd->dv_hashtab, copyID, list_stack);
!               }
!               else
!               {
!                   ht_stack_T *newitem = ALLOC_ONE(ht_stack_T);
!                   if (newitem == NULL)
!                       abort = TRUE;
!                   else
!                   {
!                       newitem->ht = &dd->dv_hashtab;
!                       newitem->prev = *ht_stack;
!                       *ht_stack = newitem;
!                   }
!               }
!           }
!           break;
!       }
        case VAR_LIST:
!       {
!           list_T      *ll = tv->vval.v_list;
!           if (ll != NULL && ll->lv_copyID != copyID)
!           {
!               // Didn't see this list yet.
!               ll->lv_copyID = copyID;
!               if (list_stack == NULL)
!               {
!                   abort = set_ref_in_list_items(ll, copyID, ht_stack);
!               }
!               else
!               {
!                   list_stack_T *newitem = ALLOC_ONE(list_stack_T);
!                   if (newitem == NULL)
!                       abort = TRUE;
!                   else
!                   {
!                       newitem->list = ll;
!                       newitem->prev = *list_stack;
!                       *list_stack = newitem;
!                   }
!               }
!           }
!           break;
!       }
        case VAR_FUNC:
--- 5752,5763 ----
      switch (tv->v_type)
        case VAR_DICT:
!           return set_ref_in_item_dict(tv->vval.v_dict, copyID,
!                                                        ht_stack, list_stack);
        case VAR_LIST:
!           return set_ref_in_item_list(tv->vval.v_list, copyID,
!                                                        ht_stack, list_stack);
        case VAR_FUNC:
*** 5567,5723 ****
        case VAR_PARTIAL:
!       {
!           partial_T   *pt = tv->vval.v_partial;
!           int         i;
!           if (pt != NULL && pt->pt_copyID != copyID)
!           {
!               // Didn't see this partial yet.
!               pt->pt_copyID = copyID;
!               abort = set_ref_in_func(pt->pt_name, pt->pt_func, copyID);
!               if (pt->pt_dict != NULL)
!               {
!                   typval_T dtv;
!                   dtv.v_type = VAR_DICT;
!                   dtv.vval.v_dict = pt->pt_dict;
!                   set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
!               }
!               for (i = 0; i < pt->pt_argc; ++i)
!                   abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(&pt->pt_argv[i], copyID,
!                                                        ht_stack, list_stack);
!               // pt_funcstack is handled in set_ref_in_funcstacks()
!               // pt_loopvars is handled in set_ref_in_loopvars()
!           }
!           break;
!       }
        case VAR_JOB:
!       {
!           job_T           *job = tv->vval.v_job;
!           typval_T    dtv;
!           if (job != NULL && job->jv_copyID != copyID)
!           {
!               job->jv_copyID = copyID;
!               if (job->jv_channel != NULL)
!               {
!                   dtv.v_type = VAR_CHANNEL;
!                   dtv.vval.v_channel = job->jv_channel;
!                   set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
!               }
!               if (job->jv_exit_cb.cb_partial != NULL)
!               {
!                   dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
!                   dtv.vval.v_partial = job->jv_exit_cb.cb_partial;
!                   set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
!               }
!           }
! #endif
!           break;
!       }
        case VAR_CHANNEL:
!       {
!           channel_T   *ch = tv->vval.v_channel;
!           ch_part_T   part;
!           typval_T    dtv;
!           jsonq_T     *jq;
!           cbq_T       *cq;
!           if (ch != NULL && ch->ch_copyID != copyID)
!           {
!               ch->ch_copyID = copyID;
!               for (part = PART_SOCK; part < PART_COUNT; ++part)
!               {
!                   for (jq = ch->ch_part[part].ch_json_head.jq_next;
!                                                 jq != NULL; jq = jq->jq_next)
!                       set_ref_in_item(jq->jq_value, copyID,
!                                                        ht_stack, list_stack);
!                   for (cq = ch->ch_part[part].ch_cb_head.cq_next; cq != NULL;
!                                                             cq = cq->cq_next)
!                       if (cq->cq_callback.cb_partial != NULL)
!                       {
!                           dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
!                           dtv.vval.v_partial = cq->cq_callback.cb_partial;
!                           set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
!                       }
!                   if (ch->ch_part[part].ch_callback.cb_partial != NULL)
!                   {
!                       dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
!                       dtv.vval.v_partial =
!                                     ch->ch_part[part].ch_callback.cb_partial;
!                       set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
!                   }
!               }
!               if (ch->ch_callback.cb_partial != NULL)
!               {
!                   dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
!                   dtv.vval.v_partial = ch->ch_callback.cb_partial;
!                   set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
!               }
!               if (ch->ch_close_cb.cb_partial != NULL)
!               {
!                   dtv.v_type = VAR_PARTIAL;
!                   dtv.vval.v_partial = ch->ch_close_cb.cb_partial;
!                   set_ref_in_item(&dtv, copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
!               }
!           }
! #endif
!           break;
!       }
        case VAR_CLASS:
!           {
!               class_T *cl = tv->vval.v_class;
!               if (cl != NULL && cl->class_copyID != copyID
!                                 && (cl->class_flags && CLASS_INTERFACE) == 0)
!               {
!                   cl->class_copyID = copyID;
!                   for (int i = 0; !abort
!                                     && i < cl->class_class_member_count; ++i)
!                       abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(
!                                               &cl->class_members_tv[i],
!                                                copyID, ht_stack, list_stack);
!                   for (int i = 0; !abort
!                                   && i < cl->class_class_function_count; ++i)
!                       abort = abort || set_ref_in_func(NULL,
!                                        cl->class_class_functions[i], copyID);
!                   for (int i = 0; !abort
!                                   && i < cl->class_obj_method_count; ++i)
!                       abort = abort || set_ref_in_func(NULL,
!                                            cl->class_obj_methods[i], copyID);
!                   // Mark initializer expressions?
!               }
!               break;
!           }
        case VAR_OBJECT:
!           {
!               object_T *obj = tv->vval.v_object;
!               if (obj != NULL && obj->obj_copyID != copyID)
!               {
!                   obj->obj_copyID = copyID;
!                   // The typval_T array is right after the object_T.
!                   typval_T *mtv = (typval_T *)(obj + 1);
!                   for (int i = 0; !abort
!                           && i < obj->obj_class->class_obj_member_count; ++i)
!                       abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(mtv + i, copyID,
                                                         ht_stack, list_stack);
-               }
-               break;
-           }
        case VAR_UNKNOWN:
        case VAR_ANY:
--- 5766,5789 ----
        case VAR_PARTIAL:
!           return set_ref_in_item_partial(tv->vval.v_partial, copyID,
!                                                       ht_stack, list_stack);
        case VAR_JOB:
!           return set_ref_in_item_job(tv->vval.v_job, copyID,
!                                                        ht_stack, list_stack);
        case VAR_CHANNEL:
!           return set_ref_in_item_channel(tv->vval.v_channel, copyID,
!                                                        ht_stack, list_stack);
        case VAR_CLASS:
!           return set_ref_in_item_class(tv->vval.v_class, copyID,
!                                                        ht_stack, list_stack);
        case VAR_OBJECT:
!           return set_ref_in_item_object(tv->vval.v_object, copyID,
                                                         ht_stack, list_stack);
        case VAR_UNKNOWN:
        case VAR_ANY:
*** ../vim-9.0.1174/src/version.c       2023-01-10 19:58:31.030209252 +0000
--- src/version.c       2023-01-11 11:39:24.130750955 +0000
*** 697,698 ****
--- 697,700 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1175,

Git catch 22: "merge is not possible because you have unmerged files."

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///                                                                      \\\
\\\        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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