On Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 02:34, Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net> wrote:

> Most of the implementation of classes has been done.  Feel free to give
> it a try.  You might run into something that is still a todo item, or a
> bug.  Please report this in a reproducible way.
> This is a good moment to evaluate the current choices.  Although the
> syntax and semantics are similar to popular languages, there are also
> some differences.  Hopefully they are easy to understand.

I was just looking at the constructor documentation and noticed that the
default constructor includes parameters for each field in the order they
were declared.  Having to change all the constructor call sites when
reordering field declarations seems like a probable source of bugs,
particularly when switching fields of the same type.  This seems like a
feature that really needs named-parameter support.


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