Yegappan wrote:

> I have updated the PR to add the utf16idx() function and introduced an
> optional UTF-16 flag to the byteidx() and byteidxcomp() functions.

Hmm, then when converting an UTF-16 index to a character index one would
need to use byteidx() plus charidx().  Not ideal.  See my other message
for a charidx() variant that does this in one step.

Would it be needed to convert an UTF-16 index into a byte index?
Depends on what it is used for, some functions work with a byte index,
others with a character index.  So either we have functions for both, or
there need to be two function calls.  I can't say I have a clear
preference for either.

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User:       I don't know, but it's version VI (pronounced: 6).
Help desk:  Oh, then you should upgrade to version VIM (pronounced: 994).

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