On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 11:10 PM Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net> wrote:
> We don't support GTK 1 anymore, suggesting code in the help for not
> implemented functionality doesn't make much sense.

OK. Well, in that case we should test for "if has('gui_gtk')" (and not
gtk2) rather high in the list, suppress the comment about GTK1 but not
the "elseif has('x11')" and its XLFD which is for other X11 including
e.g. Motif; these come, of course, after GTK has been taken care of.

gui_kde has long lost any maintainer it ever had. Do we still support
Photon? IIRC, the 'guifont' for that platform resembles the one for
Windows but isn't identical. Yes, there is a whole *photon-fonts*
section in the help (in the os_qnx.txt helpfile).

Best regards,

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