On Mi, 10 Mai 2023, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Perhaps you can create a PR that reverts 9.0.1536, so we can see when
> this works again.

I should have thought of that already :facepalm  Sure will do soon.

> It's strange that the version number goes out of sync, causing CI to
> break.  

I am expecting a new kernel to be released quite soon, which fixes 
CVE-2023-0386 (https://seclists.org/oss-sec/2023/q2/133) and as such 
there will probably be a new runner required by Github anyhow. Or maybe 
this was done already and was a reason for this problem?

> Perhaps we should use a different variable to get the version?

The way it was used looked good to me. Unfortunately there doesn't seem 
to pin a github-runner to a specific release/kernel version and as such 
this may happen occasionally I guess.

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