Patch 9.0.1670
Problem:    Resetting local option to global value is inconsistent.
Solution:   Handle "<" specifically for 'scrolloff' and 'sidescrolloff'.
            (closes #12594)
Files:      src/option.c, src/testdir/test_options.vim

*** ../vim-9.0.1669/src/option.c        2023-06-14 16:39:48.653873856 +0100
--- src/option.c        2023-06-27 21:38:26.458836083 +0100
*** 2135,2144 ****
            ((flags & P_VI_DEF) || cp_val) ? VI_DEFAULT : VIM_DEFAULT];
      else if (nextchar == '<')
-       // For 'undolevels' NO_LOCAL_UNDOLEVEL means to
-       // use the global value.
        if ((long *)varp == &curbuf->b_p_ul && opt_flags == OPT_LOCAL)
            value = NO_LOCAL_UNDOLEVEL;
            value = *(long *)get_varp_scope(&(options[opt_idx]), OPT_GLOBAL);
--- 2135,2148 ----
            ((flags & P_VI_DEF) || cp_val) ? VI_DEFAULT : VIM_DEFAULT];
      else if (nextchar == '<')
        if ((long *)varp == &curbuf->b_p_ul && opt_flags == OPT_LOCAL)
+           // for 'undolevels' NO_LOCAL_UNDOLEVEL means using the global value
            value = NO_LOCAL_UNDOLEVEL;
+       else if (opt_flags == OPT_LOCAL
+                   && ((long *)varp == &curwin->w_p_siso
+                    || (long *)varp == &curwin->w_p_so))
+           // for 'scrolloff'/'sidescrolloff' -1 means using the global value
+           value = -1;
            value = *(long *)get_varp_scope(&(options[opt_idx]), OPT_GLOBAL);
*** ../vim-9.0.1669/src/testdir/test_options.vim        2023-06-14 
16:39:48.657873849 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_options.vim        2023-06-27 21:49:52.126562164 +0100
*** 954,965 ****
    wincmd w
    call assert_equal(5, &so)
    wincmd w
    setlocal so<
    call assert_equal(5, &so)
    setlocal so=0
    call assert_equal(0, &so)
    setlocal so=-1
!   call assert_equal(5, &so)
    call assert_equal(7, &siso)
    setlocal siso=3
--- 954,969 ----
    wincmd w
    call assert_equal(5, &so)
    wincmd w
+   call assert_equal(3, &so)
    setlocal so<
    call assert_equal(5, &so)
+   setglob so=8
+   call assert_equal(8, &so)
+   call assert_equal(-1, &l:so)
    setlocal so=0
    call assert_equal(0, &so)
    setlocal so=-1
!   call assert_equal(8, &so)
    call assert_equal(7, &siso)
    setlocal siso=3
*** 967,978 ****
    wincmd w
    call assert_equal(7, &siso)
    wincmd w
    setlocal siso<
    call assert_equal(7, &siso)
    setlocal siso=0
    call assert_equal(0, &siso)
    setlocal siso=-1
!   call assert_equal(7, &siso)
    set so&
--- 971,986 ----
    wincmd w
    call assert_equal(7, &siso)
    wincmd w
+   call assert_equal(3, &siso)
    setlocal siso<
    call assert_equal(7, &siso)
+   setglob siso=4
+   call assert_equal(4, &siso)
+   call assert_equal(-1, &l:siso)
    setlocal siso=0
    call assert_equal(0, &siso)
    setlocal siso=-1
!   call assert_equal(4, &siso)
    set so&
*** ../vim-9.0.1669/src/version.c       2023-06-27 18:57:06.448499587 +0100
--- src/version.c       2023-06-27 21:38:10.094852929 +0100
*** 697,698 ****
--- 697,700 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1670,

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