runtime(vim): Highlight all :loadkeymap abbreviations in vim syntax (#13092)

Author: dkearns <>
Date:   Sat Sep 16 04:12:50 2023 +1000

    runtime(vim): Highlight all :loadkeymap abbreviations in vim syntax 
    Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>

diff --git a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
index d1ce01ec8..9975572f2 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 " Language:    Vim 9.0 script
 " Maintainer:  Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
 " Last Change: May 09, 2023
+"      2023 Sep 14 by Vim Project (all :loadkeymap variants)
 " Version:     9.0-25
 " URL:
 " Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1
@@ -29,6 +30,10 @@ syn keyword vimCommand contained     al[l] argg[lobal] 
ba[ll] bm[odified]
 syn match   vimCommand contained       "\<z[-+^.=]\=\>"
 syn keyword vimStdPlugin contained     Arguments Asm Break Cfilter Clear 
Continue DiffOrig Evaluate Finish Gdb Lfilter Man N[ext] Over P[rint] Program 
Run S Source Step Stop Termdebug TermdebugCommand TOhtml Until Winbar XMLent 
+" :loadkeymap command (Vim Project Addition) {{{3
+" TODO: this needs to be folded into the autogenerated keyword list above
+syn keyword vimCommand contained loadk[eymap]
 " vimOptions are caught only when contained in a vimSet {{{2
 syn keyword vimOption contained        acd ambw arshape aw backupskip beval bk 
bri bufhidden cdh ci cinsd cms commentstring conceallevel cpt cscopetagorder 
csto cursorlineopt dg dir ed enc equalprg expandtab fdls fex fileignorecase fml 
foldlevel formatexpr gcr gli guifont guitabtooltip hidden hlg imactivatefunc 
imi inc inex isident keymap langmap linebreak lm lsp makeencoding maxmem mh mmp 
more mousemoveevent mzq numberwidth opfunc patchexpr pfn pp printfont pumwidth 
pythonthreehome re restorescreen ro rulerformat scl scs sft shellslash 
shortmess showtabline slm smoothscroll spell spl srr statusline sw sxq tag tal 
tenc termwintype tgst titleold tpm ttm tw udir ur verbose viminfofile warn wfh 
wildchar wim winminheight wmh write
 syn keyword vimOption contained        ai anti asd awa balloondelay bevalterm 
bkc briopt buflisted cdhome cin cinw co compatible confirm crb cscopeverbose 
csverb cwh dict directory edcompatible encoding errorbells exrc fdm ff filetype 
fmr foldlevelstart formatlistpat gd go guifontset helpfile highlight hls 
imactivatekey iminsert include inf isk keymodel langmenu lines lmap luadll 
makeprg maxmempattern mis mmt mouse mouses mzquantum nuw osfiletype patchmode 
ph preserveindent printheader pvh pyx readonly revins rop runtimepath scr sect 
sh shelltemp shortname shq sloc sms spellcapcheck splitbelow ss stl swapfile 
syn tagbsearch tb term terse thesaurus titlestring tr tty twk ul ut verbosefile 
virtualedit wb wfw wildcharm winaltkeys winminwidth wmnu writeany

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