runtime(vim): update Vim Syntax generator

Author: h-east <>
Date:   Wed Feb 14 21:00:01 2024 +0100

    runtime(vim): update Vim Syntax generator
    - Add missing "Last Change:" line.
    - The date on this line in vim.vim is updated by update_date.vim at
      Make time. (I made a mistake in the file path)
    - Remove unnecessary "b:loaded_syntax_vim_ex".
    - Remove "Base File Date:" line in vim.vim.base
    - Add Doug Kearns as Maintainer
    closes: #14031
    Signed-off-by: h-east <>
    Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>

diff --git a/runtime/syntax/generator/Makefile 
index 33dcfbc2b..3cf4b953d 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/generator/Makefile
+++ b/runtime/syntax/generator/Makefile
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ vim.vim: vim.vim.rc update_date.vim
        @echo "Generating vim.vim ..."
        @cp -f vim.vim.rc ../vim.vim
        @$(RUN_VIM) -S update_date.vim
-       @sed -i -e 's/__REVISION__/$(REVISION)/' ../vim.vim
        @echo "done."
 vim.vim.rc: gen_syntax_vim.vim vim.vim.base $(SRC)
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/generator/gen_syntax_vim.vim 
index 85f094552..2b4e4e2dc 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/generator/gen_syntax_vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/generator/gen_syntax_vim.vim
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ function! s:parse_vim_command(cmd)
                let item.syn_str =
                call add(a:cmd, copy(item))
                let = 'i'             " insert
+               let item.syn_str =
                call add(a:cmd, copy(item))
                if empty(a:cmd)
@@ -445,6 +446,16 @@ function! s:parse_vim_hlgroup(li)
                let item.type = 'gui'
                call add(a:li, copy(item))
+               " The following highlight groups cannot be extracted from 
+               " (TODO: extract from HIGHLIGHT_INIT ?)
+               let = 'LineNrAbove'
+               let item.type = 'both'
+               call add(a:li, copy(item))
+               let = 'LineNrBelow'
+               let item.type = 'both'
+               call add(a:li, copy(item))
                if empty(a:li)
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/generator/update_date.vim 
index 662e5054b..54eb4edb4 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/generator/update_date.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/generator/update_date.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 "     '" Last Change:  '
 language C
-silent new vim.vim
+silent new ../vim.vim
 normal gg
 let pat = '^"\s*Last\s*Change:\s\+'
 let lnum = search(pat, 'We', 10)
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/generator/vim.vim.base 
index 7c8373727..5ef471dc4 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/generator/vim.vim.base
+++ b/runtime/syntax/generator/vim.vim.base
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 " Vim syntax file
 " Language:    Vim script
 " Maintainer:  Hirohito Higashi <h.east.727 ATMARK>
+"      Doug Kearns <>
 " URL:
+" Last Change: Feb 13, 2024
 " Former Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
 " Base File URL:
 " Base File Version: 9.0-25
-" Base File Date:    May 09, 2023
 " THIS FILE PARTLY GENERATED BY gen_syntax_vim.vim.
@@ -17,7 +18,6 @@
 if exists("b:current_syntax")
-let b:loaded_syntax_vim_ex="__REVISION__"
 let s:keepcpo= &cpo
 set cpo&vim
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
index 1d97c8586..8a63898cf 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 " Vim syntax file
 " Language:    Vim script
 " Maintainer:  Hirohito Higashi <h.east.727 ATMARK>
+"      Doug Kearns <>
 " URL:
+" Last Change: Feb 14, 2024
 " Former Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
 " Base File URL:
 " Base File Version: 9.0-25
-" Base File Date:    May 09, 2023
 " THIS FILE PARTLY GENERATED BY gen_syntax_vim.vim.
@@ -17,7 +18,6 @@
 if exists("b:current_syntax")
-let b:loaded_syntax_vim_ex="2024-02-13T21:07:41+01:00"
 let s:keepcpo= &cpo
 set cpo&vim
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ syn keyword vimCommand contained foldd[oopen] folddoc[losed] 
foldo[pen] for fu[n
 syn keyword vimCommand contained lo[adview] loadk[eymap] loc[kmarks] lockv[ar] 
lol[der] lop[en] lp[revious] lpf[ile] lr[ewind] lt[ag] lua luad[o] luaf[ile] 
lv[imgrep] lvimgrepa[dd] lw[indow] ls m[ove] ma[rk] mak[e] marks mat[ch] 
menut[ranslate] mes[sages] mk[exrc] mks[ession] mksp[ell] mkv[imrc] mkvie[w] 
mod[e] mz[scheme] mzf[ile] n[ext] nb[key] nbc[lose] nbs[tart] new noa[utocmd] 
noh[lsearch] nos[wapfile] nu[mber] o[pen] ol[dfiles] on[ly] opt[ions] 
ow[nsyntax] p[rint] pa[ckadd] packl[oadall] pc[lose] pe[rl] perld[o] ped[it] 
po[p] popu[p] pp[op] pre[serve] prev[ious] pro[mptfind] promptr[epl] prof[ile] 
profd[el] ps[earch] pt[ag] ptN[ext] ptf[irst] ptj[ump] ptl[ast] ptn[ext] 
ptp[revious] ptr[ewind] pts[elect] pu[t] pub[lic] pw[d] py[thon] pyd[o] 
pyf[ile] py3 py3d[o]
 syn keyword vimCommand contained python3 py3f[ile] pyx pyxd[o] pythonx 
pyxf[ile] q[uit] quita[ll] qa[ll] r[ead] rec[over] red[o] redi[r] redr[aw] 
redraws[tatus] redrawt[abline] reg[isters] res[ize] ret[ab] retu[rn] rew[ind] 
ri[ght] rightb[elow] ru[ntime] rub[y] rubyd[o] rubyf[ile] rund[o] rv[iminfo] 
sN[ext] sa[rgument] sal[l] san[dbox] sav[eas] sb[uffer] sbN[ext] sba[ll] 
sbf[irst] sbl[ast] sbm[odified] sbn[ext] sbp[revious] sbr[ewind] sc[riptnames] 
scripte[ncoding] scriptv[ersion] scs[cope] setf[iletype] sf[ind] sfir[st] 
sh[ell] si[malt] sig[n] sil[ent] sl[eep] sla[st] sn[ext] so[urce] sor[t] 
sp[lit] spe[llgood] spelld[ump] spelli[nfo] spellr[epall] spellra[re] 
spellu[ndo] spellw[rong] spr[evious] sr[ewind] st[op] sta[g] star[tinsert] 
startg[replace] startr[eplace]
 syn keyword vimCommand contained stat[ic] stopi[nsert] stj[ump] sts[elect] 
sun[hide] sus[pend] sv[iew] sw[apname] synti[me] sync[bind] smi[le] t tN[ext] 
ta[g] tags tab tabc[lose] tabd[o] tabe[dit] tabf[ind] tabfir[st] tabm[ove] 
tabl[ast] tabn[ext] tabnew tabo[nly] tabp[revious] tabN[ext] tabr[ewind] tabs 
tc[d] tch[dir] tcl tcld[o] tclf[ile] te[aroff] ter[minal] tf[irst] th[row] 
thi[s] tj[ump] tl[ast] tm[enu] tn[ext] to[pleft] tp[revious] tr[ewind] try 
ts[elect] tu[nmenu] ty[pe] u[ndo] undoj[oin] undol[ist] una[bbreviate] unh[ide] 
unl[et] unlo[ckvar] uns[ilent] up[date] v[global] ve[rsion] verb[ose] 
vert[ical] vi[sual] vie[w] vim[grep] vimgrepa[dd] vim9[cmd] vim9s[cript] 
viu[sage] vne[w] vs[plit] w[rite] wN[ext] wa[ll] wh[ile] wi[nsize] winc[md] 
wind[o] winp[os]
-syn keyword vimCommand contained wn[ext] wp[revious] wq wqa[ll] wu[ndo] 
wv[iminfo] x[it] xa[ll] xr[estore] y[ank] z dl dell delel deletl deletel dp dep 
delp delep deletp deletep a a
+syn keyword vimCommand contained wn[ext] wp[revious] wq wqa[ll] wu[ndo] 
wv[iminfo] x[it] xa[ll] xr[estore] y[ank] z dl dell delel deletl deletel dp dep 
delp delep deletp deletep a i
 syn keyword vimCommand contained am[enu] an[oremenu] aun[menu] cme[nu] 
cnoreme[nu] cunme[nu] ime[nu] inoreme[nu] iunme[nu] me[nu] nme[nu] nnoreme[nu] 
noreme[nu] nunme[nu] ome[nu] onoreme[nu] ounme[nu] sme[nu] snoreme[nu] 
sunme[nu] tlm[enu] tln[oremenu] tlu[nmenu] unme[nu] vme[nu] vnoreme[nu] 
vunme[nu] xme[nu] xnoreme[nu] xunme[nu]
 syn keyword vimCommand contained cm[ap] cno[remap] im[ap] ino[remap] lm[ap] 
ln[oremap] nm[ap] nn[oremap] no[remap] om[ap] ono[remap] smap snor[emap] tma[p] 
tno[remap] vm[ap] vn[oremap] xm[ap] xn[oremap]
 syn keyword vimCommand contained cmapc[lear] imapc[lear] lmapc[lear] 
mapc[lear] nmapc[lear] omapc[lear] smapc[lear] tmapc[lear] vmapc[lear] 
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ syn keyword vimGroup contained      Comment Constant String 
Character Number Boolean
 " Default highlighting groups {{{2
 " GEN_SYN_VIM: vimHLGroup, START_STR='syn keyword vimHLGroup contained', 
-syn keyword vimHLGroup contained ErrorMsg IncSearch ModeMsg NonText StatusLine 
StatusLineNC EndOfBuffer VertSplit VisualNOS DiffText PmenuSbar TabLineSel 
TabLineFill Cursor lCursor QuickFixLine CursorLineSign CursorLineFold CurSearch 
PmenuKind PmenuKindSel PmenuExtra PmenuExtraSel Normal Directory LineNr 
CursorLineNr MoreMsg Question Search SpellBad SpellCap SpellRare SpellLocal 
PmenuThumb Pmenu PmenuSel SpecialKey Title WarningMsg WildMenu Folded 
FoldColumn SignColumn Visual DiffAdd DiffChange DiffDelete TabLine CursorColumn 
CursorLine ColorColumn Conceal MatchParen StatusLineTerm StatusLineTermNC 
ToolbarLine ToolbarButton Menu Tooltip Scrollbar CursorIM
+syn keyword vimHLGroup contained ErrorMsg IncSearch ModeMsg NonText StatusLine 
StatusLineNC EndOfBuffer VertSplit VisualNOS DiffText PmenuSbar TabLineSel 
TabLineFill Cursor lCursor QuickFixLine CursorLineSign CursorLineFold CurSearch 
PmenuKind PmenuKindSel PmenuExtra PmenuExtraSel Normal Directory LineNr 
CursorLineNr MoreMsg Question Search SpellBad SpellCap SpellRare SpellLocal 
PmenuThumb Pmenu PmenuSel SpecialKey Title WarningMsg WildMenu Folded 
FoldColumn SignColumn Visual DiffAdd DiffChange DiffDelete TabLine CursorColumn 
CursorLine ColorColumn Conceal MatchParen StatusLineTerm StatusLineTermNC 
ToolbarLine ToolbarButton Menu Tooltip Scrollbar CursorIM LineNrAbove 
 syn case match
 " Function Names {{{2

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