I am the maintainer for the Visual Basic indent script.

I have attached a new version along with updated test files.  The major change is the rewrite in vim9 script but there are also several enhancements.  Please consider adding them at your convenience.


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' vim: filetype=vb shiftwidth=4 expandtab
#Const Debug = False

#If Win64 Then
' Win64=true, Win32=true, Win16=false
#ElseIf Win32 Then
' Win32=true, Win16=false
' Win16=true
#End If

Public Type GEmployeeRecord     ' Create user-defined type. 
ID As Integer               ' Define elements of data type. 
Name As String * 20 
Address As String * 30 
Phone As Long 
HireDate As Date 
End Type 

Public Enum InterfaceColors 
icMistyRose = &HE1E4FF& 
icSlateGray = &H908070& 
icDodgerBlue = &HFF901E& 
icDeepSkyBlue = &HFFBF00& 
icSpringGreen = &H7FFF00& 
icForestGreen = &H228B22& 
icGoldenrod = &H20A5DA& 
icFirebrick = &H2222B2& 
End Enum

Enum SecurityLevel 
IllegalEntry = -1 
SecurityLevel1 = 0 
SecurityLevel2 = 1 
End Enum 

Public Function TestConditional (number As Integer, ext As String) As Boolean
Dim inRange As Boolean

Select Case number
Case <= 0
inRange = False
Case > 10
inRange = False
Case Else
inRange = True
End Select

' This is a special case identified in the indent script.
Select Case number
End Select

If ext = ".xlm" Then
If inRange Then
TestConditional = True
TestConditional = False
End If
ElseIf ext = ".xlsx" Then
If inRange Then
TestConditional = False
TestConditional = True
End If
TestConditional = False
End If
End Function

Private Sub TestIterators (lLimit As Integer, uLimit As Integer)
Dim a() As Variant
Dim elmt As Variant
Dim found As Boolean
Dim indx As Integer
Const specialValue As Integer = 5

If uLimit < lLimit Then
Exit Sub
End If

ReDim a(lLimit To uLimit)
For indx=lLimit To Ulimit
a(indx) = 2 * indx
Next indx

found = False
For Each elmt in a
If elmt = specialValue Then
found = True
End If
Next elmt

If found then
indx = uLimit
Do While indx >= lLimit
indx = indx - 1
End If

End Sub

Public Sub TestMultiline (cellAddr As String, rowNbr As Long)
Dim rng As Range

Set rng = Range(cellAddr)

' Line continuation is implemented as a two-character sequence-
' whitespace followed by underscore.
With rng
.Cells(1,1).Value = _
"Line 1 of multiline string; " & _
"Line 2 of multiline string; " & _
"Line 3 of multiline string"
End With

' This code block omits the leading whitespace character and so 
' the trailing underscore will not be treated as line continuation.
With rng
.Cells(1,1).Value =_
"Line 1 of multiline string; " &_
"Line 2 of multiline string; " &_
"Line 3 of multiline string"
End With

' The following lines have whitespace after the underscore character.
' This is contrary to Microsoft documentation but it is reported that
' some Microsoft editors allow it and will still treat the statement
' as line-continued.  
With rng
rng.Cells(1,1).Value = _ 
"Line 1 of multiline string; " & _ 
"Line 2 of multiline string; " & _ 
"Line 3 of multiline string"
End With

End Sub

Private Sub TestStmtLabel()
GoTo stmtLabel

' Statement labels are never indented

End Sub

Public Static Function TestStatic(addend As Integer)
Dim Integer accumulator
accumulator = accumulator + addend
TestStatic = accumulator
End Function

Friend Function TestFriend(addend As Integer)
Static Integer accumulator
accumulator = accumulator + addend
TestFriend = accumulator
End Function

Sub TestTypeKeyword()
Type EmployeeRecord         ' Create user-defined type. 
ID As Integer           ' Define elements of data type. 
Name As String * 20 
Address As String * 30 
Phone As Long 
HireDate As Date 
End Type 
Dim varType As EmployeeRecord
End Sub

Sub TestDateLiteralAfterLineContinuation
Dim birthday as Date
birthday = _
#January 1, 1901#
End Sub
' vim: filetype=vb shiftwidth=4 expandtab
#Const Debug = False

#If Win64 Then
' Win64=true, Win32=true, Win16=false
#ElseIf Win32 Then
' Win32=true, Win16=false
' Win16=true
#End If

Public Type GEmployeeRecord     ' Create user-defined type. 
    ID As Integer               ' Define elements of data type. 
    Name As String * 20 
    Address As String * 30 
    Phone As Long 
    HireDate As Date 
End Type 

Public Enum InterfaceColors 
    icMistyRose = &HE1E4FF& 
    icSlateGray = &H908070& 
    icDodgerBlue = &HFF901E& 
    icDeepSkyBlue = &HFFBF00& 
    icSpringGreen = &H7FFF00& 
    icForestGreen = &H228B22& 
    icGoldenrod = &H20A5DA& 
    icFirebrick = &H2222B2& 
End Enum

Enum SecurityLevel 
    IllegalEntry = -1 
    SecurityLevel1 = 0 
    SecurityLevel2 = 1 
End Enum 

Public Function TestConditional (number As Integer, ext As String) As Boolean
    Dim inRange As Boolean

    Select Case number
        Case <= 0
            inRange = False
        Case > 10
            inRange = False
        Case Else
            inRange = True
    End Select

    ' This is a special case identified in the indent script.
    Select Case number
    End Select

    If ext = ".xlm" Then
        If inRange Then
            TestConditional = True
            TestConditional = False
        End If
    ElseIf ext = ".xlsx" Then
        If inRange Then
            TestConditional = False
            TestConditional = True
        End If
        TestConditional = False
    End If
End Function

Private Sub TestIterators (lLimit As Integer, uLimit As Integer)
    Dim a() As Variant
    Dim elmt As Variant
    Dim found As Boolean
    Dim indx As Integer
    Const specialValue As Integer = 5

    If uLimit < lLimit Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ReDim a(lLimit To uLimit)
    For indx=lLimit To Ulimit
        a(indx) = 2 * indx
    Next indx

    found = False
    For Each elmt in a
        If elmt = specialValue Then
            found = True
        End If
    Next elmt

    If found then
        indx = uLimit
        Do While indx >= lLimit
            indx = indx - 1
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub TestMultiline (cellAddr As String, rowNbr As Long)
    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = Range(cellAddr)

    ' Line continuation is implemented as a two-character sequence-
    ' whitespace followed by underscore.
    With rng
        .Cells(1,1).Value = _
            "Line 1 of multiline string; " & _
            "Line 2 of multiline string; " & _
            "Line 3 of multiline string"
    End With

    ' This code block omits the leading whitespace character and so 
    ' the trailing underscore will not be treated as line continuation.
    With rng
        .Cells(1,1).Value =_
        "Line 1 of multiline string; " &_
        "Line 2 of multiline string; " &_
        "Line 3 of multiline string"
    End With

    ' The following lines have whitespace after the underscore character.
    ' This is contrary to Microsoft documentation but it is reported that
    ' some Microsoft editors allow it and will still treat the statement
    ' as line-continued.  
    With rng
        rng.Cells(1,1).Value = _ 
            "Line 1 of multiline string; " & _ 
            "Line 2 of multiline string; " & _ 
            "Line 3 of multiline string"
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub TestStmtLabel()
    GoTo stmtLabel

    ' Statement labels are never indented

End Sub

Public Static Function TestStatic(addend As Integer)
    Dim Integer accumulator
    accumulator = accumulator + addend
    TestStatic = accumulator
End Function

Friend Function TestFriend(addend As Integer)
    Static Integer accumulator
    accumulator = accumulator + addend
    TestFriend = accumulator
End Function

Sub TestTypeKeyword()
    Type EmployeeRecord         ' Create user-defined type. 
        ID As Integer           ' Define elements of data type. 
        Name As String * 20 
        Address As String * 30 
        Phone As Long 
        HireDate As Date 
    End Type 
    Dim varType As EmployeeRecord
End Sub

Sub TestDateLiteralAfterLineContinuation
    Dim birthday as Date
    birthday = _
        #January 1, 1901#
End Sub

# Vim indent file
# Language:     VisualBasic (ft=vb) / Basic (ft=basic) / SaxBasic (ft=vb)
# Author:       Johannes Zellner <johan...@zellner.org>
# Maintainer:   Michael Soyka (mssr...@gmail.com)
# Contributors: Doug Kearns (dougkea...@gmail.com)
# Last Change:  Fri, 18 Jun 2004 07:22:42 CEST
#               Small update 2010 Jul 28 by Maxim Kim
#               2022/12/15: add support for multiline statements.
#               2022/12/21: move VbGetIndent from global to script-local scope
#               2022/12/26: recognize "Type" keyword
#               2023/07/13: correct/extend line continuation pattern (Doug 
#               2023/07/14: add more keywords; various optimizations (Doug 
#               2023/07/20: convert to Vim9 script
#               2023/07/23: improve detection of preproc directives (Doug 

if exists("b:did_indent")
b:did_indent = v:true

setlocal autoindent
setlocal indentexpr=VbGetIndent()
setlocal indentkeys&
setlocal indentkeys+==~else,=~elseif,=~end,=~wend,=~case,=~next,=~select,=~loop

b:undo_indent = "setlocal autoindent< indentexpr< indentkeys<"

# Only define the function once.
if exists("*VbGetIndent")

# These regular expressions identify statement labels and preprocessor
# directives.
const RE_LABEL: string = '^\s*\k\+:\s*$'
const RE_PREPROC: string =

# Microsoft documentation states that line continuation is indicated by a
# two-character sequence at end-of-line: a space character followed by an
# underscore.  Nonetheless, it has been reported that additional
# whitespace after the underscore is also allowed.  We will support both.
# However, VB 16.0 also permits a comment after the underscore which,
# for simplicity, we do not support.
const RE_LINE_CONTINUATION: string = '\s_\s*$'

# The following regular expressions are used to increase the indent
# after statements that open a new scope.
const RE_INCR_INDENT_1: string =
const RE_INCR_INDENT_2: string =
const RE_INCR_INDENT_3: string =

def VbGetIndent(): number
    var this_lnum: number = v:lnum
    var this_line: string = getline(this_lnum)
    var this_indent: number = 0

    # labels and preprocessor statements get zero indent immediately
    if (this_line =~? RE_LABEL) || (this_line =~? RE_PREPROC)
        return this_indent

    # Get the current value of 'shiftwidth'
    const SHIFTWIDTH: number = shiftwidth()

    # Find a non-blank line above the current line.
    # Skip over labels and preprocessor directives.
    var lnum: number = this_lnum
    var previous_line: string
    while lnum > 0
        lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
        previous_line = getline(lnum)
        if (previous_line !~? RE_LABEL) || (previous_line !~? RE_PREPROC)

    # Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
    if lnum == 0
        return this_indent

    # Variable "previous_line" now contains the text in buffer line "lnum".

    # Multi-line statements have the underscore character at end-of-line:
    #    object.method(arguments, _
    #                  arguments, _
    #                  arguments)
    # and require extra logic to determine the correct indentation.
    # Case 1: Line "lnum" is the first line of a multiline statement.
    #         Line "lnum" will have a trailing underscore character
    #         but the preceding non-blank line does not.
    #         Line "this_lnum" will be indented relative to "lnum".
    # Case 2: Line "lnum" is the last line of a multiline statement.
    #         Line "lnum" will not have a trailing underscore character
    #         but the preceding non-blank line will.
    #         Line "this_lnum" will have the same indentation as the starting
    #         line of the multiline statement.
    # Case 3: Line "lnum" is neither the first nor last line.
    #         Lines "lnum" and "lnum-1" will have a trailing underscore
    #         character.
    #         Line "this_lnum" will have the same indentation as the preceding
    #         line.
    # No matter which case it is, the starting line of the statement must be
    # found.  It will be assumed that multiline statements cannot have
    # intermingled comments, statement labels, preprocessor directives or
    # blank lines.
    var lnum_is_continued: bool = (previous_line =~? RE_LINE_CONTINUATION)
    var before_lnum: number
    var before_previous_line: string
    if lnum > 1
        before_lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
        before_previous_line = getline(before_lnum)
        before_lnum = 0
        before_previous_line = ""

    if before_previous_line !~? RE_LINE_CONTINUATION
        # Variable "previous_line" contains the start of a statement.
        this_indent = indent(lnum)
        if lnum_is_continued
            this_indent += SHIFTWIDTH
    elseif ! lnum_is_continued
        # Line "lnum" contains the last line of a multiline statement.
        # Need to find where this multiline statement begins
        while before_lnum > 0
            before_lnum -= 1
            if getline(before_lnum) !~? RE_LINE_CONTINUATION
                before_lnum += 1
        if before_lnum == 0
            before_lnum = 1
        previous_line = getline(before_lnum)
        this_indent = indent(before_lnum)
        # Line "lnum" is not the first or last line of a multiline statement.
        this_indent = indent(lnum)

    # Increment indent
    if (previous_line =~? RE_INCR_INDENT_1) ||
       (previous_line =~? RE_INCR_INDENT_2) ||
       (previous_line =~? RE_INCR_INDENT_3)
        this_indent += SHIFTWIDTH

    # Decrement indent
    if this_line =~? '^\s*end\s\+select\>'
        if previous_line !~? '^\s*select\>'
            this_indent -= 2 * SHIFTWIDTH
            # this case is for an empty 'select' -- 'end select'
            # (w/o any case statements) like:
            # select case readwrite
            # end select
            this_indent -= SHIFTWIDTH
    elseif this_line =~? '^\s*\%(end\|else\|elseif\|until\|loop\|next\|wend\)\>'
        this_indent -= SHIFTWIDTH
    elseif this_line =~? '^\s*\%(case\|default\)\>'
        if previous_line !~? '^\s*select\>'
            this_indent -= SHIFTWIDTH

    return this_indent

# vim:sw=4

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