runtime(lex): include lex ftplugin file

Author: Riley Bruins <>
Date:   Sun Jul 7 21:17:16 2024 +0200

    runtime(lex): include lex ftplugin file
    Spec found 
    closes: #15174
    Signed-off-by: Riley Bruins <>
    Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>

diff --git a/.github/MAINTAINERS b/.github/MAINTAINERS
index 0320e21e5..d0a75f965 100644
--- a/.github/MAINTAINERS
+++ b/.github/MAINTAINERS
@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ runtime/ftplugin/kdl.vim            @imsnif @jiangyinzuo
 runtime/ftplugin/kivy.vim              @ribru17
 runtime/ftplugin/kotlin.vim            @udalov
 runtime/ftplugin/less.vim              @genoma
+runtime/ftplugin/lex.vim               @ribru17
 runtime/ftplugin/liquid.vim            @tpope
 runtime/ftplugin/lua.vim               @dkearns
 runtime/ftplugin/lc.vim                        @ribru17
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/lex.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/lex.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6c47fedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/lex.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin
+" Language:    Lex and Flex
+" Maintainer:  Riley Bruins <>
+" Last Change: 2024 Jul 06
+if exists('b:did_ftplugin')
+  finish
+let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+setlocal comments=sO:*\ -,mO:*\ \ ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://
+setlocal commentstring=//\ %s
+let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setl com< cms<'

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