> On Oct 19 2009, 8:24 am, Wraul <mathias....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have installed the latest version (3.3) of the plugin 
>> FuzzyFinderhttp://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1984

This may not help you much...but fuzzyfinder_textmate, which is built on top of 
FuzzyFinder, was never able to get v3.3 working.  So all the ff_tm forks out 
there stick with v2.22.3.

Perhaps even less helpfully, here you can see a couple of commits I made in 
ff_tm to cope with Vim returning typed values rather than strings.  It's in 
Ruby, rather than Vimscript, but perhaps it'll be of some use to you.

http://github.com/airblade/fuzzyfinder_textmate/commits/master (last two 


Andy Stewart

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