On Oct 9, 12:21 am, Tony Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 08/10/08 17:22, James Kanze wrote:
> > I've just downloaded the sources for vim (under Unix), and
> > am having a problem with the build procedure.  According to
> > src/INSTALL, in order to build for multiple architectures, I
> > should create a target directory for each architecture, then
> > "`cd' to the directory where you want the object files and
> > executables to go and run the `configure' script.
> > `configure' automatically checks for the source code in the
> > directory that `configure' is in and in `..'."

> > This isn't working, and a quick glance at the configure
> > script (both $root/configure and $root/src/configure) show
> > that there is nothing in those scripts which tries to figure
> > out the directory.  (I'm invoking configure with an absolute
> > pathname, so ` dirname $0 ` should be sufficient for it to
> > find it's subdirectories.)

> > For the moment, I'll just go ahead and build like I do with
> > a lot of other programs: configure, build and install from
> > the root, then do a distclean before repeating for another
> > platform.  But if this is the way to do it, the
> > documentation should be updated.

> To build several versions of Vim on a single system, I
> recommend the "shadow directory" method.

Yes.  I noticed this in the documentation shortly after posting
(and after generating both the Linux and Solaris versions as
explained above).  IIRC, it's what I actually did last time (for
7.1); I'd just forgotten it.  But the documentation should
probably be corrected to only give this method.

James Kanze (GABI Software)             email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34

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