On 09/11/08 06:52, Linda W wrote:
>       If   "+y    is  "supposed"  to work and is documented to work (but 
> doesn't),
>       and if   "*y  is "not supposed" to work (but does) might it not qualify
> as a 'bug' in some sense of the word?  Should the menu text tell me that  
> 'plus'
> is the key to press, when it is really 'star' that works...

"+y and "*y are both documented (and supposed) to work identically on 
Windows. On Unix they have different (documented) meanings... but you 
aren't on Unix. If one of them doesn't work on your Windows system, it 
may be because one of your config files interferes -- in that case it is 
not a bug ut a user error. If "+y (double-quote then plus then y) 
doesn't work when you start Vim as

        "C:\Program Files\vim\vim72\gvim.exe" -N -u NONE

or as

        cd "C:\Program Files\vim\vim72"
        set VIM=
        set VIMRUNTIME=
        gvim.exe -N -u vimrc_example.vim -U NONE

(in both cases with the quotes where shown) then it may be a bug. If it 
does work when you start Vim in one of these ways, then there's probably 
something in one of your Vim config files that gets in the way when you 
start Vim normally.

Best regards,
Clothes make the man.  Naked people have little or no influence on
                -- Mark Twain

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