>     cnoremap js <Esc>
> which if I understand correctly is supposed to make 'js'
> do what Esc does when typed on the command line.  But it
> seems to do something slightly different: 
>     :boguscommandjs
> results in an error message:
>     E492: Not an editor command: boguscommand
> while 
>     :boguscommand<Esc>
> appears to just silently abort the command line.

As described at

   :help c_<esc>

in macros (which I also understand from the evidence you've 
presented, to mean "mappings and macros"), the command you've 
entered thus far is run.

However, right below that help, you can see how to prevent it 
from happening:  use CTRL-C

   :cnoremap js <c-c>

which seems to do what you're looking for.


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