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2008/11/12 Yongwei Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/11/12 Daren Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I am running gvim 7 on Windows. I keep my personal tasks in a utf-8
>> text file and print it regularly (:ha!). Since some of my tasks
>> contain german words, I have umlauts that get printed badly.
>> I am guessing that the encoding for printing is wrong, I have tried
>> "set printencoding=utf-8" and also "set printencoding=cp1252" but the
>> umlauts still come out jumbled.
>> Has anyone solved this before?
> If you are using the GUI version, check the following option:
> encoding

Generally speaking, enc should be utf-8 or latin1.

> If using the console version, check in addition:
> termencoding

tenc should be the same as "cp" + the output of chcp command.  It is
normally cp437 or cp850 for Western languages.

Wu Yongwei

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