On 14/11/08 20:54, madiyaan wrote:
> Hello:
> Is there a way to open a file relative to the current file's
> directory?
> I do not want to change the directory to the current file's directory
> because I often invoke :!make from the source directory's root. (But
> maybe there is a way to change to the current directory, and go back
> to the root directory before invoking main... that would be equally
> useful to me).
> For example, I am in project/ and I invoke:
> vim lib/tools/tool1.cpp
> I don't want to change my directory to project/lib/tools/ because when
> I invoke :!make, it will use the Makefile in project/lib/tools/ and
> not the one that I intend to use, which lies in project/. I am wanting
> to know whether I can easily open up project/lib/tools/tool2.cpp
> without typing in the entire path.
> Regards,

The current file's directory is expand('%:p:h'). So you could use (untested)

function CurFileRelPath(path)
        let hasdoswin = has('win32') || has('win64') || has('win16')
        \ || has('dos32') || has('dos16')
        if a:path[0] == '/'
                return a:path
        if hasdoswin && (a:path[0] == '\' || a:path =~ '^\a:')
                return a:path
        let prefix = expand('%:p:h')
        if prefix[-1:] != '/'
        \ || (hasdoswin && prefix[-1:] != '\')
                let prefix .= '/'
        return prefix . a:path

Then you could invoke it anywhere in a command typed at the command-line 
by means of Ctrl-R followed by =CurFileRelPath('something') then Enter. 
'something' (which you should enter with the quotes) will be resolved as 
a relative path unless its first character (or its first one or two 
characters in Dos or Windows) seem to indicate an absolute path. I'm not 
treating x:abcd (which is relative to Drive X's current directory) as a 
relative path, this is intentional.

Note that expand('%:p:h') will usually not end in a path separator, but 
for the root directory of a Dos drive or of the whole Unix filesystem it 
will, hence the last ":if" above.

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