jackm wrote:
> Hi all :-) ,
> Howto change color background of selected text :confused:
> Thanx

The currently selected colorscheme determines what colours are used for
various different areas of text (highlighting groups).   To see which
colorscheme you are using, type
    :echo g:colors_name

To override your colorscheme, it would probably work best to copy your
preferred <colorscheme>.vim file to your
~/.vim/colors/MyColorScheme.vim, change that file according to your
preferences and then source this file in your g/vimrc, using the command
    colorscheme MyColorScheme

The selection colour is determined by the "Visual" highlighting group. 
To change this once-off to a white foreground on a black background, use
the following command:
    :highlight visual guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000

For more info, see
    :h coloring
    :h highlight-term
    :h highlight


[ Albie Janse van Rensburg ~ http://morph.telspace.co.za ]

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                -- Adlai Stevenson

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