> I often come across text files that contain long paragraphs, and vim's
> numbering(:se nu) shows only one line for a paragraph until unless a
> newline is encountered.
> It is a pain to read that way.
> Is there a way to render a paragraph in the form of numbered lines
> whereby each line contains a fixed number of characters?

Yes, vim provides all manner of ways to ease this particular problem:

1)  Show single lines as visually wrapped, but leave the original 

   :set wrap

1b) Do #1, but break on word-boundaries:

   :set wrap linebreak

2)  Wrap the lines by inserting line-breaks at word-boundaries 
for a given text-width (what I understand you describe)

   :set textwidth=75

3)  Insert a hard new-line at a particular character offset, 
regardless of whether it lands in the middle of a word:


(might have to run this multiple times)

For more info, check out

   :help 'wrap'
   :he 'linebreak'
   :he 'textwidth'
   :he gq
   :he \%c
   :he \%v


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