I found this strange behavior today. When I chose file to jump to in
fuzzyfinder popup menu it opens the new file in taglist window instead
of using current buffer. I decided to find out the cause of this
misbehavior and experimented with different versions of fuzzyfinder.
And the problem revealed to appear first time in version 2.15. I
analyzed diff between 2.14 and 2.15 and found that the cause was in
the next chunks:

@@ -1321,7 +1399,7 @@
 let s:WindowManager = { 'buf_nr' : -1 }

 function! s:WindowManager.activate(complete_func)
-  let self.prev_winnr = winnr()
+  "let self.prev_winnr = winnr()
   let cwd = getcwd()

   if !bufexists(self.buf_nr)
@@ -1351,20 +1429,21 @@

   redraw " for 'lazyredraw'

-  " suspend autocomplpop.vim
   if exists(':AutoComplPopLock')
+    " suspend autocomplpop.vim

 function! s:WindowManager.deactivate()
-  " resume autocomplpop.vim
   if exists(':AutoComplPopUnlock')
+    " resume autocomplpop.vim
-  close
-  execute self.prev_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+  "close
+  "execute self.prev_winnr . 'wincmd w'
+  wincmd p
+  execute self.buf_nr . 'bdelete'

 " OBJECT: s:InfoFileManager
--------------------------------------------- {{{1

I reverted lines

   let self.prev_winnr = winnr()
   execute self.prev_winnr . 'wincmd w'

in the new 2.17 version and it started to work nice!
At least I found that it is enough just to change line

    wincmd p


    wincmd w

in function deactivate() in version 2.17 and it begins to work well.

I do not know how to report this bug to the author so I decided post
this here.

Thank you. Alexey.

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