I use

" system clipboard copy-paste (copy in visual mode, paste in normal)
vmap <C-c> y:call system("xclip -i -selection clipboard", getreg("\""))
<CR>:call system("xclip -i", getreg("\""))<CR>
"nmap <C-i> :call setreg("\"",system("xclip -o -selection clipboard"))

and it works (just pasted this from vim). You have to install xclip
package (I found it in my Fedora repository).
How it works: select text and then Ctrl-c - selection disappears and
you can paste it anywhere by clicking the center mouse button (or how
your system configured).
I commented out Ctrl-i because it was not necessary to paste from-to
this way (Shift-insert works nice in this direction) and it did not
worked well.

Best regards. Alexey.

On 12 янв, 20:49, r <r.tr...@inwind.it> wrote:
> I passed to vim 7.2.22 but if I select text with mouse and then copy
> somewhere it does not paste what I selected.
> It seems it does not copies. ( I just discovered ' [shift] + [ins] '
> to paste. Is there something similar to copy ? )
> is there something I have to do ?
> in .vimrc I have :
> set mouse=a
> I use OpenSuSE 11.1 default vim ( 7.2.22 )
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