I was instructed to use:
   vim -u NONE {file}
and that solved all three problems identified.  I'm happy now that I 
made vim an alias.

When I first noticed a problem, I did not have a .vimrc file; only the 
global one in /usr/share/vib/...
- Pau

Charles E. Campbell, Jr. wrote:
> Paul McFerrin wrote:
>> As one of those users using "vi" for the past 30 years, I have some 
>> questions pertaining mainly to Vim 7.2.
>> I don't like changes in "default" behavior of certain programs.  Vim7.2 
>> is one.  How can I turn off "autoindent".  In my .vimrc file, I have 
>> "set noautoindent" and issued in comand mode ":set notutoindent" but it 
>> still autoindents.  If I insert a new line below a .vimrc comment line, 
>> not oinly is the line autoindent'd but it also places another comment 
>> (") character.  I don't like editors that second guess you and they be 
>> incorrect.
>> Another new feature I don't care for:  It highlights pairs of special 
>> characters.  Like "(......)", if your cursor is on the opening "(", the 
>> closing ")" character is higligthed with green square which makes the 
>> character unreadable with my vision problems.  I would like to be able 
>> to change the color to something different or disable than option.
>> Another option I would like to disable, the "u"ndo command.  I'm a 30 
>> year veteran of the real "vi" command and ANY MORE than a single "u" is 
>> ignored.in deleting characters.  I frequently use two (uu) commands to 
>> find my place on the screen.  Now the "u" command will undo multiple 
>> edits and not just undo the undo command.
>> I'm sorry if I missed any answers in my documentation.
>> Call me picky,
>> -Paul
> Have you tried compatible mode?  Ie. don't have a .vimrc, use .exrc 
> (after all, the original vi didn't use .vimrc files).
> Assuming that you have a reason for wanting some vim extensions, and so 
> wish to keep your .vimrc:
> I'm not sure why you're getting autoindent anyway.  Try
>   :set noai nocin
> Find out what your formatoption is currently:
>   :echo &fo
> and remove 2 and c from it.
> Put
> let g:loaded_matchparen          = 1         " don't load matching 
> parenthesis plugin
> in your .vimrc.
> To handle undo:
> set cpo+=u
> I suggest looking over all the cpo options.
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell
> >

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