
Noah wrote:
> Is it possible to configure Diff mode so that you can cursor through
> lines in a deleted region in either the LEFT or RIGHT window?
> I'm thinking of something like the 'virtualedit' option.
> For example, say I was editing the RIGHT window of this diff.
> This is going to look bad if not viewed with a fixed-width font.
> The ] character represents the cursor in this example.
> <pre>
>                                       |
>  class DebianPackage (Package):       | class DebianPackage (Package):
>                                       |
>      """This builds a debian package. | ]-----------------------------
>      """                              | ------------------------------
>                                       | ------------------------------
>      def __init__ (self):             |     def __init__ (self):
>                                       |
> </pre>
> The ] character represents the cursor in this example.
> The ] is in the RIGHT window on the first line of the delete region.
> The way Vim is configured now I cannot actually put the cursor there.
> The cursor would jump past the deleted region and appear immediately
> above or below the DiffDelete region.
> I want to keep my cursor in one window while doing merge editing.
> What I have to do now is press <CTRL-W><h> to move the cursor over to
> the LEFT window; execute :diffput or :diffget as needed; and finally,
> press <CTRL-W><l> to move the cursor back over the the RIGHT window.
> This is annoying. When I merge diffs, I almost always focus on one
> file and cherry-pick lines from the other file. Is there any way
> to eliminate going left and right between windows when I encounter
> a delete region?
> What I would like is to allow the cursor to move through the
> DiffDelete
> region in a similar way you can set the 'virtualedit' option to allow
> you to cursor past the end of a line or in the middle of tab
> characters.
> If I could put the cursor where I show it above, I could execute
> :diffput to delete the docstring in the LEFT window (pushing deletes);
> or I could execute :diffget to copy the docstring from the LEFT window
> to replace the delete region under the cursor in the RIGHT window.
> I would keep my cursor in the RIGHT window the entire time.

you don't need this. If you are on "def __init___ (self):" in the right
window, i.e. directly below the deleted region, and execute :diffget you
will copy the three missing lines from the left window to the right one.
And :diffput will delete those three lines in the left window.


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