On 09/03/09 16:27, ivan budiselic wrote:
> Hi, I've searched around a bit for a solution to this problem, but
> didn't really come up with anything that works, and since it seems to be
> a pretty simple problem, I hope you won't mind too much that I'm posting
> the question here.
> Basically, the only formatting I want Vim to do for me is inserting the
> same indent as the previous line when I move to a new line (either by
> pressing enter in insert mode, or o, O etc. in normal mode). More
> specifically, I never ever want it to reformat anything I wrote
> previously. This has sort of bugged me before, but today I had a program
> I wrote in a crappy online editor that I had no way to export except
> copy/pasting which resulted in the whole thing being dumped into a
> single line.


        :filetype indent off
        :set autoindent nosmartindent nocindent nolispindent indentexpr=

The ":set" line is as full as that in order to make sure that any indent 
settings already set by filetype-plugins are reset. If you don't use 
sessions, it would probably be enough to just write

        filetype indent off
        set autoindent nosmartindent

into your vimrc, after the call to vimrc_example.vim if you source it; 
or if you don't, replace

        filetype plugin indent on

(if present) by

        filetype plugin on

(or add the latter if you just don't have any ":filetype" command in 
your vimrc), and remove any "indent" options other than "autoindent" 
from any "set" statements that might already be there.

> The way the problem manifests itself is the following (for example): I
> set the indentation of the current line, move to the place I want to
> break the line at and press i<Enter> (there's probably a better way to
> do this (like the inverse of J or something), but I forgot about it if I
> ever knew it). At this point, the indentation of the (now previous) line
> changes.
> I've found that using :set paste sort of solves the problem, but then
> autoindent doesn't  work either.
> I think these are the relevant lines of my vimrc (I'm using Vim 7.2)
> autocmd FileType * set formatoptions= nocindent comments&
> autocmd FileType c,cpp,h set formatoptions=cro cindent
> comments=sr:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://
> autocmd FileType css,htm,html,txt,xml set formatoptions= nocindent comments&

remove all these; any of them which you don't like are set by indent 
plugins already, and removing "indent" from "filetype [...] on" will 
avoid loading these; any useful ones are, I think, set by 
filetype-plugins, which are sourced automatically when needed, once you 
have set ":filetype plugin on".

> formatoptions in the first line used to be tcql, but I removed it hoping
> that might give me what I want (it didn't :). The file I'm editing
> should fall under the first category.
> Thanks for your help, and sorry for the probably dumb question.
> Ivan

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                                   Signed RICHARD M. NIXON
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