On Thu, Mar 12, at 12:42 parekh wrote:
> Hi,
> I have something like this -
> reg a0 = abc[0]
> reg a0 = abc[0]
> reg a0 = abc[0]
> reg a0 = abc[0]
> I am trying to create something like this -
> reg a0 = abc[0]
> reg a1 = abc[1]
> reg a2 = abc[2]
> reg a3 = abc[3]
> Any recommendations on how I can do this at a command line?

Here is a possible way:

Source this function,

function! Increm() range
    let nr = 1
    let line = a:firstline + 1
    while line <= a:lastline
        let string = getline(line)
        call setline(line, substitute(string, '[[:digit:]]\+', nr, 'g'))
        let nr += 1
        let line += 1

:1,4 call Increm()

or while selecting the lines

:'<,'>call Increm()

> Sanjay


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