Foss User schrieb:
> I launch vi. Then I type :map <Esc> (i.e. I type : m a p and then
> press the <Esc> key). I return from command mode to normal mode as
> soon as I press <Esc>.

you probably launched Vim in fact, check with

> Now I map the 'jj' to <Esc> with the following command: map! jj <Esc>
> Now, I type :map jj (i.e. I type : m a p and then press j two times
> quickly). I get this output at the bottom. Why such a difference in
> behavior when I invoke the <Esc> functionality using jj?
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>   ~
>    \rwp          <Plug>RestoreWinPosn
>    \swp          <Plug>SaveWinPosn
>    \ds           <Plug>StopDrawIt
>    \di           <Plug>StartDrawIt
> n  gx            <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
> n  <Plug>NetrwBrowseX * :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(expand("<cWORD>"),0)<CR>
> n  <Plug>RestoreWinPosn   :call RestoreWinPosn()<CR>
> n  <Plug>SaveWinPosn   :call SaveWinPosn()<CR>
>    <Plug>StopDrawIt   :set lz<CR>:call DrawIt#StopDrawIt()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
>    <Plug>StartDrawIt   :set lz<CR>:call DrawIt#StartDrawIt()<CR>:set nolz<CR>
> Press ENTER or type command to continue

In the original Vi, c_<Esc> executed the command-line afaik.
In Vim, this has been disabled, but not if c_<Esc> is on the rhs of a mapping.

better use:
    :map! jj <C-C>
or (commandline mode only, remapping disabled):
    :cno jj <C-C>

:h cpo-x
:h c_<Esc>
:h 'cp
:h 'cpo


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