How can we set zR as an autocmd? Could you please elaborate the autocmd concept?

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
> The problem with both these methods (setting foldlevel or
> foldlevelstart to a high value) is that you can't immediately use "zm"
> to start folding away text.
> I use zR in an autocmd for this purpose.
> Your autocmd will be different (you probably want BufRead or
> something), but here is what I do to enable syntax-based folding on
> certain file-types, but start with all folds open in a way that I can
> immediately use "zm" to start folding:
>    " Note, perl automatically sets foldmethod in the syntax file
>    autocmd Syntax c,cpp,vim,xml,html,xhtml setlocal foldmethod=syntax
>    autocmd Syntax c,cpp,vim,xml,html,xhtml,perl normal zR
> >

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