On 2009-03-26, Ben Kim wrote:
> Vimmers,
> I wanted to know how I can open a class file in hierarchy.
> For example, my source would have this line:
>       org.postgresql.someclass;
> I want to open it using something like this (type cf on the file name).
>       nnoremap <silent> cf :exec 'sp '.findfile(substitute(expand('<cfile>'),
>       '^/*','',''))<cr>
> The actual file path would be:
>       ./org/postgresql/someclass.java
> I'm not sure how to have vim recognize "." double as a file separator. 
> '^.*' didn't work. I guess it's tricky since "." can be in the file name 
> (at least for the extension), but assuming I have only one "." at the end 
> for the extension, what would be the map syntax?
> set path and suffixesadd is not an issue.


    :help includeexpr

However, 'includeexpr' is already set in $VIMRUNTIME/java.vim, so
fixing this problem in your case may be a matter of enabling
filetype detection or of setting the proper file type.


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