On Wed, Apr 01, at 01:07 guwegezo wrote:
> Is it possible to sort the buffer list in Vim?
> I commonly work with 10-20 files open. They tend to be groups of files
> from different paths within my project. When I issue :ls, it's often
> difficult to find the file I'm looking for. Sorting the buffer list
> would help a great deal.

Here is a possible way,

function! Bufnames(A, L, P)
    redir => bufnames
    silent ls
    redir END
    let list = []
    for name in split(bufnames, "\n")
        let buf = fnamemodify(split(name, '"')[-2], ":t")
        if match(buf, "No Name") == -1
            call add(list, buf)
    return filter(sort(list), 'v:val =~ "^".a:A')

command! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,Bufnames Myls exec "buffer "<q-args> 

Now use: 
    :Myls<tab>  or
    :Myls<Control-D> or
    :Myls [first letter from a buffer name]

for a custom completion.

> Douglas.


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