On Jun 30, 6:37 pm, Charles Campbell <charles.e.campb...@nasa.gov>
> Aman Jain wrote:
> > On Jun 30, 12:56 am, Charles Campbell <charles.e.campb...@nasa.gov>
> > wrote:
> >> Aman Jain wrote:
> >>> shq is already blank in my gvim, and I am getting the same error.
> >>> So can you suggest some other alternative?
> >> Read
> >>   :help netrw-debug
> >> and send me a copy of the debugging output.  If you use ftp, please
> >> elide any passwords first.  Please do a minimal number of steps to
> >> elicit the problem -- that'll help keep clutter down.
> >> Regards,
> >> Chip Campbell
> > Here's the debug output:
> > ssh is not executable
> [snip]
> > |exe s:netrw_silentxfer.!"c:\\aman\\sw\\pscp.exe" -q -batch 
> > "a...@lnx-server:/ws/aman/test.c" "C:\DOCUME~1\aman\LOCALS~1\Temp\VIA1C.c"
> [snip]
> I've included two items that seem off to me.  The first one, "ssh is not
> executable", is due to
>   g:netrw_list_cmd
> not holding a string describing an executable.  I'm not a pscp user
> myself, but  :help netrw-p8  discusses some ways folks have used to
> provide an ssh for windows.  I myself use cygwin.
> Now, the second item is involved in your current issue.
> exe  -- that's ok
> s:netrw_silentxfer -- that's a bug with my usage of Decho; I'll fix that
> to show what's _in_ s:netrw_silentxfer rather than the fact that its in
> use.  This is just a reporting problem, and doesn't affect your issue.
> "c:\\aman\\sw\\pscp.exe" -- those double quotes should not be there.  
> What exactly do you use to initialize g:netrw_scp_cmd , presumably in
> your .vimrc?  netrw doesn't use shellescape() to process the string in
> this variable.
> -q -batch  -- that's ok AFAIK
> "a...@lnx-server..."  : again, under windows, those double quotes are
> problematic (if I recall correctly).  Try     :echo shellescape("some
> string",1)  and see what shows up.  Under linux, I get  'some string'  
> .  (I'm not near a Windows box at the moment )
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

I got it working!!

This was in my vimrc
if ($OS =~ "Windows")
  let g:netrw_scp_cmd="\"c:\\amajain\\sw\\pscp.exe\" -q -batch"

Now I changed those extra quotes, around c:\\amajain\\sw\\pscp.exe\
Now the vimrc entry looks like
if ($OS =~ "Windows")
  let g:netrw_scp_cmd="\c:\\amajain\\sw\\pscp.exe\ -q -batch"

Bye the  way are you Dr.Chip?
I am honored to have discussed this issue with you.

Thanks a lot!!
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