On 03/07/09 08:11, bgold12 wrote:
> I've found that when I type "gvim a" from the command line, I get a
> message in the status line after gvim has started up that gives some
> info about the file a. For example, if the file doesn't exist, it says
> ""a" [New File]"; if the file does exist but is empty, it says ""a"
> 0L, 0C".
> This is a very nice feature, but it doesn't seem to work with vim (as
> opposed to gvim). From what I can tell, the message IS displayed with
> vim, but it disappears after a fraction of a second.
> I know I can get similar info by typing CTRL-G, but obviously it would
> be better if I didn't have to do that every time I open a file.
> So, is this a bug in vim, or a problem with my settings, and if the
> latter, how can I fix this? If it's important, I'm running Windows XP,
> vim 7.2, and I'm using cygwin (bash) as my command line.
> Thanks,
> Ben

As you remarked, the message appears, but it gets overwritten. However, 
you can get it back by means of the |:messages| command.

One possible way to make messages "stay longer" at the bottom of the Vim 
screen is to add the following snippet to your vimrc:

if &cmdheight < 2
        set cmdheight=2

This will make sure that you have at least one extra line for messages 
at the bottom. It may not always work, but you still have ":messages" 
available if Vim "talks too fast".

Note that Vim-for-Windows is a Windows-like (or Dos-like) program, while 
bash is a Unix-like program. If you run them together, you can run into 
problems if the differences between them (path notation, for instance) 
make them run at cross-purposes. I recommend using [g]vim "for Windows" 
from desktop icons or from the cmd.exe shell (the "Dos Box"), or Console 
Vim "for Cygwin" from Cygwin bash, thus keeping Dos with Dos and Cygwin 
with Cygwin. I don't recommend using gvim for Cygwin at all, unless you 
want to take the trouble of running a Cygwin X server.

Best regards,
It's lucky you're going so slowly, because you're going in the wrong

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