On 04/07/09 22:17, Matt Wozniski wrote:
> I believe this is the first time you mentioned that you were using the
> console, and not a GUI.  :)  But, that said - note that the console is
> still considered a terminal emulator; pretty much anything but a
> *real* vt220 teletype is.  Many have never seen a non-emulated
> terminal except in pictures, myself included.

What about the console used at boot time to pass parameters to the 
kernel? Its only drivers are in ROM, and it's always in QWERTY, which is 
annoying if (like mine) your keyboard has its keys labeled differently 
(mine is AZERTY but I shudder when thinking of Dvorak). The console used 
by Ms-Dos wasn't much emulated except that it usually did have a 
software keyboard driver. And then there was the tty35 on the mainframe 
of my first job (1970) which was definitely unemulated (and could type 
exactly 64 different characters including the space). But I didn't own 
it of course, the company did (or was that computer leased? I never knew 
the details.).

Best regards,
A consultant is a person who borrows your watch, tells you what time it
is, pockets the watch, and sends you a bill for it.

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