TheLonelyStar wrote:

> Hi,
> To change the highlighting of the current line, I have this in my .vimrc:
>  hi CursorLine guisp=NONE   gui=NONE      guifg=NONE guibg=darkgrey
> ctermfg=NONE   ctermbg=darkgrey term=NONE cterm=NONE
> My problem is, that darkgrey is not dark enough for me!
> I tried doing something like this:
> ... ctermbg=#0f0f0f ...
> but vim does not accept that (E421: Color name or number not recognized:
> ctermbg=#000f00 term=NONE cterm=NONE)
> What can I do?
> Thanks!
> Nathan

Specifying colors as #0f0f0f is only for the GUI  (guifbg=#0f0f0f) but can't
be done for the terminal since ctermgui= requires a color name or color index.

So what can you do?  I highly recommend using the CSApprox plugin, or
the guicolorscheme plugin so that colors in the terminal are set to colors
specified for the GUI in your colorscheme.  It requires a 256-color terminal
(which can often be turned on by simply setting export TERM=xterm-256color
in your ~/.bashrc, and/or by adding this line in your ~/.vimrc:

   set t_Co=256

Setting up CSApprox plugin, or guicolorscheme plugin is further described
in wikia:

Above link discusses pros & cons of both these plugins (CSApprox vs

-- Dominique

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