It appears that the community is almost there in terms of getting gVim
to work with Eclipse, but I can't seem to find the magic formula to
get things working.

Here is my current setup:
* Windows Vista SP2
* Eclipse Version: 3.4.2 Build id: M20090211-1700
* gVim version 7.2

I have the OLE version installed. (Help | Version confirms this.)

However, it appears that it is not properly registered for OLE use. I
have tested this by running WordPad and choosing to Insert | Object,
but there is nothing there related to gVim for the Object Type.

I have also tried associating gVim as the default handler for txt
documents via the Explorer context menu, then dragging and dropping a
txt file into WordPad and double-clicking the icon. This does not
activate in-place, as an OLE server should, but instead launches gVim
as an external application, as it would for any file, regardless if
the default editor lacked OLE support.

So my question is, how do your properly register gVim as an OLE server
to get *in-place* editing?

If you need an example of how this *should* work, use the Insert |
Object menu to insert a Paintbrush Picture. You will be able to double-
click the picture in WordPad and edit in WordPad instead of launching
Paint as an external application.

I think once gVim is properly registered, it should be easy to get it
working in Eclipse.

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