Hi list,
I'm new to this list. I'm a python programmer using vim for my daily
work and loving it. Although I've been using it for some time now it's
not until recently that I've started to really fiddle around in .vimrc...

What I'm trying to do is have one window where my code resides. Ideally
I would like to have this window tabbed and then an untabbed window to
the left displaying the VTreeExplorer plugin.

However, since I couldn't get this to work properly (suggestions of
course welcome), I though I'd simply add the VTreeExplorer to each tab
instead. Except from my .vimrc:


        tab all
        map <Tab> :tabn<cr>
        map <S-Tab> :tabp<cr>

        set autochdir
        source $HOME/.vim/plugin/vtreeexplorer.vim

        function Test()
                30 vsplit
                set nonu

        tabdo call Test()

Something like that. Opening vim with N files results in N-1 correctly
displayed tabs plus one always ends up completely blank. I'd blame my
own ignorance if it weren't for the fact that if I comment out the
tabdo-line, open the files and then manually run "tabdo call Test()"
from within vim, it all works as expected.

Can anybody shed some light on this?

PS. I realize that there are probably a lot of better ways to achieve
this, but for now I'd like to understand the behaivor of tabdo..

Thanks in advance!


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