
Simson Liu wrote:
> I'm have trouble with the following command:
> noremap! <A-[> <Esc>
> In Insert mode, the mapping is OK. I can exit insert mode by Alt-[
> But in command-line mode, the mapping has some problems. Such as
> :ls<A-[>      "note the <A-[> is Alt-[ key
> the 'ls' command is always been exectued! The normal action should be
> discard any command when enter Esc in command-line.

this is VI-compatible behavior. In VI pressing <Esc> on the command
line executed the command. The only way to cancel a command was to
press Ctrl-C. You should thus

  :nmap <A-[> <C-C>

For more information

  :help c_<Esc>
  :help c_<CTRL-C>


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.     (Calvin)

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