On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Nathan Huesken wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed omnicppcomplete using this:
> http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/C%2B%2B_code_completion
> Now, I am in my Project and press C-F12 to rebuild tags (and I can see
> the tags file).
> Then I am in a member function of a class and type "this->"
> Omnocomplete says: "Pattern not found"
> is there something I missed?

Did you build the tags file with the right options enabled?

ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .

Do you have a recent enough version of exuberant ctags?  Are you sure
the code is syntactically valid?  Does it work with a simpler test
case, something like

struct {
  int a, b;
} foo;

int main()

For that example, the tags file should look something like this
(apologies for any wrapping):

__anon1::a      foo.cpp /^  int a, b;$/;"       m       struct:__anon1  file:   

__anon1::b      foo.cpp /^  int a, b;$/;"       m       struct:__anon1  file:   

a       foo.cpp /^  int a, b;$/;"       m       struct:__anon1  file:   

b       foo.cpp /^  int a, b;$/;"       m       struct:__anon1  file:   

foo     foo.cpp /^} foo;$/;"    v       typeref:struct:__anon1

main    foo.cpp /^int main()$/;"        f       signature:()


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