On Sat, 19 Sep 2009 05:48:12 +0200, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> I use the following to open the help window at the very bottom when I 
> use F1, ":h" or ":h {subject}" (typing ":help" in full would revert
> to default behaviour); you could use the :abo[veleft] prefix instead
> of :bo[tright] to open just above the current window instead. Only if
> there is no help window yet, of course: an existing help window in
> the current tab page will always be reused, as mentioned in the help
> text you quoted.
> " open help window at bottom unless :help typed in full
> if version < 700
>      cnoreabbrev    h    bot h
> else
>      cnoreabbrev    <expr>    h
>        \ ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() <= 2)? 'bot h' : 'h')
> endif
> map    <F1>    :bot help<CR>

(Apologies for the previous post - I hit 'Send' before I'd edited it :-( )

Thanks for that Tony. I also had a suggestion on the -dev list to use filetype 
detection for help files. I'll implement something like what you've given me 
here, and then probably have a go at doing the filetype stuff afterwards.

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