On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Andy Wokula <anw...@yahoo.de> wrote:

> Jeremy Conlin schrieb:
> > On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Christian Brabandt <cbli...@256bit.org
> >wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, September 25, 2009 7:43 am, Jeremy Conlin wrote:
> >>> I know there are some regex wizards out there, I am in need of your
> help.
> >>> I have lines in my file that look like one of the following two
> >>>
> >>> Some text & more text & (some white space) & ...
> >>> Some text & more text & (some numbers, :, or -) & ...
> >>>
> >>> For the life of me I can't get my regular expression to differentiate
> >>> between the two.  This is what I tried (but it found both lines):
> >>>
> >>> \_^\(.\{-}\s&.\{-}&\s*\)\(\s\{-}[\d:-]\{1,}\)
> >> You are at least missing the paranthesis in your pattern and I believe
> >> the \d form is not valid inside [].
> /[[:digit:]:-]    or    /[0-9:-]    will do.
> >> Using the following pattern
> >>
> >> ^\(.\{-}\s&.\{-}&\s*\)\((\s\{-}[0-9:-]\{1,})\)
> >>
> >> works, assuming you want to match the following line:
> >> Some text & more text & (12349:-) & ...
> It's confusing to require a match for the surrounding parens ...
> >> regards,
> >> Christian
> >>
> >
> > That didn't quite work and  it's my fault for not giving better examples.
> >  Here are two lines:
> >
> > The genealogies &  & 1:2--17 &  & 3:23--38 &  &  \\
> > Elisabeth's seclusion & Judaea: Bethlehem &  &  & 1:24--25 &  &  \\
> >
> > I want my regular expression to find the first line and not the second
> > because there is non-whitespace between the second and third ampersand.
> >  What I'm trying to do is replace "1:2--17" with "\index{1:2--17}"
> >
> > Is that example more clear?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jeremy
> this way?
> pattern:
>    /^\%([^&]*&\)\{2}\s*[0-9:-]\+
> substitute command (with \zs added in the pattern):
>    :%s/^\%([^&]*&\)\{2}\s*\zs[0-9:-]\+/\\index{&}/
> will not work if "&" somehow occurs escaped as part of an entry.
> --
> Andy

Yes this works. Thanks!  Now do you mind help me understand what everything
means, I don't quite understand everything you did?


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