On Sep 27, 11:40 am, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> That does look nifty... I've got to say though that the demo was
> really hard to follow. The speaker blabbers on about piles of unrelated
> stuff and says ok? like a question after every statement.  Must have
> been at least 7000 times.  

I didn't notice the 7000 "ok?" questions, and though I agree that he
talks about a lot of unrelated stuff, it was entertaining and did not
detract too much from the demonstration. He got down to business
quickly enough after each tangent.

> He Mentions hitting triggers repeatedly... but I never really figured
> out what he was doing to `hit the trigger'.  He seemed to mumble that
> part or maybe just never really said what it meant.
> Really a poor demo... but the product he's blabbing about looks very
> nice.  Thanks.

I disagree about the quality of the demo. I think that if this were a
tutorial about how to use the plugin, I would think it poor, but I
viewed it instead as a "hey, look at this neat plugin, download it and
check out the docs if you're interested". With a tutorial, I'd expect
not only a detailed explanation of the trigger, but explanations of
how to set up the templates, etc. For a demo, which is really almost
an advertisement, I just want a very fast-paced walkthrough of the
most impressive features, which is what Derek delivered. For the
"how", if I were to try the plugin, I'd expect to refer to the docs.
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